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Fish Identification: Find Species

(See list of species below)

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35701 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus eltaninae
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Careproctus falklandicus
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 10.2 cm SL

Careproctus faunus
[Mischievous snailfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus fedorovi
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Careproctus filamentosus

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 54 cm SL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus furcellus
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus georgianus

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 8.9 cm TL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus gilberti
[Smalldisk snailfish]
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Careproctus globulus
[Globular snailfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus guillemi

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus homopterus
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 12.3 cm TL

Careproctus hyaleius
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus improvisus
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 22 cm TL

Careproctus inflexidens
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 17.5 cm TL

Careproctus kamikawai
[Arbiter Snailfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 14.2 cm TL

Careproctus karaensis
[Kara tadpolefish]
No picture found
Northwest Atlantic
Max. Length 9.5 cm SL

Careproctus kidoi
[Kido's snailfish]
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 18.5 cm TL

Careproctus knipowitschi
[Knipowitsch's tadpole]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus lacmi
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm SL

Careproctus lacrima
[Teardrop snailfish]
No picture found
Northwestern Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm SL

Careproctus laperousei
[Laperouse snailfish]
No picture found
Arctic Ocean
Max. Length 9.8 cm TL

Careproctus latiosus
[Broad-mouth tadpole]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus leptorhinus
No picture found

Careproctus lerikimae
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 16.2 cm SL

Careproctus longifilis
[Stippled snailfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 16.8 cm SL

Careproctus longipectoralis
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 27 cm NG

Careproctus longipinnis
[Longfin snailfish]
No picture found
North Pacific
Max. Length 17.2 cm TL

Careproctus lycopersicus
[Tomato Snailfish]
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic

Careproctus macranchus
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 44 cm SL

Careproctus macrodiscus
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 10.9 cm TL

Careproctus macrophthalmus
[Large-eyed tadpole]
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Careproctus maculosus
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus magellanicus

Photo by Orlov, A.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 23.5 cm SL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus marginatus
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 4.0 cm SL

Careproctus maslenikovae
[Blushing snailfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Careproctus mederi
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Careproctus melanuroides

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 54 cm TL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus melanurus
[Blacktail snailfish]
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 20.5 cm SL

Careproctus merretti
[Merret's snailfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 7.8 cm TL

Careproctus mica
[Babbie tadpolefish]
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 8.2 cm SL

Careproctus micropus
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 19.7 cm SL

Careproctus microstomus
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic

Careproctus minimus

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 7.4 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus mollis
No picture found
Arctic Ocean
Max. Length 9 cm TL

Careproctus moskalevi
[Moskalev’s tadpole]
No picture found
South Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 16.3 cm TL

Careproctus narilobus
No picture found
Northern Pacific
Max. Length 6.8 cm SL

Careproctus nelsoni
[Saddleback snailfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 17.3 cm SL

Careproctus nigricans
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 18.2 cm TL

Careproctus notosaikaiensis
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 9.5 cm SL

Careproctus novaezelandiae

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus opisthotremus

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 15.3 cm SL

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Careproctus oregonensis
[Smallfin snailfish]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North Pacific

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus ostentum
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 43.1 cm SL

Careproctus ovigerus
[Abyssal snailfish]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Careproctus pallidus
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 17.7 cm SL

Careproctus parvidiscus
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus parviporatus
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic

Careproctus patagonicus

Photo by Graham, K.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 14.4 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Careproctus paxtoni
[Blunt-tooth snailfish]
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 12.6 cm SL

Careproctus pellucicauda
No picture found
North Pacific

Careproctus phasma
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus polarsterni
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 14.1 cm SL

Careproctus profundicola
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus pseudoprofundicola
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 11 cm SL

Careproctus pulcher
[Handsome snailfish]

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 7.9 cm SL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus pycnosoma

Photo by Byrkjedal, I.

Northern Atlantic
Max. Length 8.1 cm SL

Photo by Byrkjedal, I.
Careproctus ranula
[Scotian snailfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Careproctus rastrinoides

Photo by Orlov, A.

Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 51 cm SL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus rastrinus
[Salmon snailfish]

Photo by DESCNA

Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by DESCNA
Careproctus reinhardti
[Sea tadpole]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus rhodomelas
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus rimiventris
No picture found
Max. Length 14.3 cm TL

Careproctus rosa
[Rose tadpolefish]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus roseofuscus
[Round snailfish]

Photo by Tibbatts, B.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 104.4 cm SL

Photo by Tibbatts, B.
Careproctus rotundifrons
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus sandwichensis
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus scaphopterus

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northeast Pacific

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus scottae

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 6.9 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus segaliensis
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Careproctus seraphimae

Photo by Orlov, A.

North Pacific
Max. Length 18.6 cm SL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus simus

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 5.9 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus sinensis
No picture found
Arctic and Northeast Atla
Max. Length 11.8 cm SL

Careproctus solidus
[Thickset tadpole]
No picture found
Northeast Pacific

Careproctus spectrum
No picture found
Northeast Pacific
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Careproctus spiraki
[Pimpled snailfish]
No picture found
North Pacific
Max. Length 9.0 cm SL

Careproctus staufferi
[Wry snailfish]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Careproctus steini
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 4.7 cm SL

Careproctus stigmatogenus

Photo by Murasaki, K.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Photo by Murasaki, K.
Careproctus surugaensis
[Suruga snailfsh]
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 13.9 cm SL

Careproctus tapirus
[Tapir tadpole]
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 14 cm TL

Careproctus telescopus
[Telescope tadpole]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 31 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Careproctus trachysoma
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus tricapitidens
No picture found

Careproctus uter
[Drop-shaped tadpolefish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus vladibeckeri

Photo by Orlov, A.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 32 cm TL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Careproctus zachirus
No picture found
Southern Ocean

Careproctus zispi

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Photo by JJPhoto
Carinotetraodon borneensis
No picture found

Carinotetraodon imitator

Photo by Chiliński, J.K.

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Photo by Chiliński, J.K.
Carinotetraodon irrubesco

Photo by Tran, H.H.

Max. Length 6 cm SL

Photo by Tran, H.H.
Carinotetraodon lorteti
[Redeye puffer]

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 4 cm SL

Photo by JJPhoto
Carinotetraodon salivator

Photo by Ott, G.

Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Photo by Ott, G.
Carinotetraodon travancoricus
[Malabar pufferfish]
No picture found
Atlantic from Namibia to
Max. Length 21.6 cm SL

Caristius barsukovi
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean (off
Max. Length 18.5 cm SL

Caristius digitus

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.

Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.
Caristius fasciatus
[Greenland manefish]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Caristius japonicus
No picture found
Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 13 cm SL

Caristius litvinovi

Photo by Moukhametov, I.

North Pacific
Max. Length 32 cm TL

Photo by Moukhametov, I.
Caristius macropus

Photo by Graham, K.

South Pacific
Max. Length 26.7 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Caristius meridionalis
No picture found
Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 12.9 cm SL

Caristius walvisensis
No picture found
Central America
Max. Length 5.4 cm SL

Carlana eigenmanni

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 165 cm TL

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Carlarius gigas
[Giant sea catfish]

Photo by Alvheim, O./Institute of Marine Research (IMR)

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 83 cm TL

Photo by Alvheim, O./Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Carlarius heudelotii
[Smoothmouth sea catfish]

Photo by JJPhoto

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 85 cm TL

Photo by JJPhoto
Carlarius latiscutatus
[Rough-head sea catfish]

Photo by Alvheim, O./Institute of Marine Research (IMR)

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 75 cm TL

Photo by Alvheim, O./Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Carlarius parkii
[Guinean sea catfish]

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Central America
Max. Length 6 cm

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Carlhubbsia kidderi
[Champoton gambusia]

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Central America
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Carlhubbsia stuarti
[Barred livebearer]

Photo by Landines, M.

South America
Max. Length 2.8 cm SL

Photo by Landines, M.
Carnegiella marthae
[Blackwing hatchetfish]

Photo by Oliver Zompro/von Wussow Importe

South America
Max. Length 2.2 cm SL

Photo by Oliver Zompro/von Wussow Importe
Carnegiella myersi
[Pygmy hatchetfish]

Photo by JJPhoto

South America
Max. Length 2.6 cm SL

Photo by JJPhoto
Carnegiella schereri
[Dwarf hatchetfish]

Photo by Nilsson, K.

South America
Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Photo by Nilsson, K.
Carnegiella strigata
[Marbled hatchetfish]

Photo by Lyons, J.

North America
Max. Length 64 cm TL

Photo by Lyons, J.
Carpiodes carpio
[River carpsucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 66 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Carpiodes cyprinus

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 50 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Carpiodes velifer
[Highfin carpsucker]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 4 cm SL

Carrigobius amblyrhynchus
[Blunt-snout goby]
No picture found
Max. Length 18.9 cm TL

Caspiomyzon graecus
[Epirus brook lamprey]

Photo by Kommatas, D.

Max. Length 18.9 cm TL

Photo by Kommatas, D.
Caspiomyzon hellenicus
[Macedonia brook lamprey]

Photo by Afzali, A.

Max. Length 55.3 cm TL

Photo by Afzali, A.
Caspiomyzon wagneri
[Caspian lamprey]

Photo by Miller, P.J.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Photo by Miller, P.J.
Caspiosoma caspium
[Caspian naked goby]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 28.8 cm TL

Castleichthys auritus
[Eared conger]
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Cataetyx alleni
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 10 cm TL

Cataetyx bruuni

Photo by SFSA

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 36 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Cataetyx chthamalorhynchus
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific

Cataetyx hawaiiensis

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 65 cm TL

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.
Cataetyx laticeps

Photo by Ho, H.-C.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm SL

Photo by Ho, H.-C.
Cataetyx lepidogenys
No picture found
Southeast Pacific and Sou
Max. Length 27.6 cm SL

Cataetyx messieri
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm TL

Cataetyx nielseni
[Nielsen's catetyx]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 57 cm SL

Cataetyx platyrhynchus
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 15.7 cm TL

Cataetyx rubrirostris
[Rubynose brotula]
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 63.2 cm TL

Cataetyx simus

Photo by Figueiredo, J.L./Menezes, N.A.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 17 cm

Photo by Figueiredo, J.L./Menezes, N.A.
Catathyridium garmani

Photo by MNHN

South America
Max. Length 11.5 cm SL

Photo by MNHN
Catathyridium grandirivi

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

South America
Max. Length 23.7 cm

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Catathyridium jenynsii
No picture found
South America
Max. Length 5.4 cm

Catathyridium lorentzii
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 14.0 cm TL

Catesbya pseudomuraena

Photo by Rotundo, M.M.

South America
Max. Length 22.5 cm TL

Photo by Rotundo, M.M.
Cathorops agassizii
No picture found
Central America
Max. Length 22.7 cm SL

Cathorops aguadulce
[Estuarine sea catfish]

Photo by FAO

South America
Max. Length 25 cm SL

Photo by FAO
Cathorops arenatus
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 24.8 cm SL

Cathorops belizensis
[Belize sea catfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 36 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Cathorops dasycephalus
[Bigbelly sea catfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

North, Central and South
Max. Length 31.2 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Cathorops fuerthii
[Congo sea catfish]
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 19.2 cm SL

Cathorops higuchii

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Central America
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Cathorops hypophthalmus
[Gloomy sea catfish]

Photo by Perusquía, E.

Central America
Max. Length 25.4 cm SL

Photo by Perusquía, E.
Cathorops kailolae
[Papillate sea catfish]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Central America
Max. Length 19.7 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Cathorops liropus
[Conguito sea catfish]
No picture found
South America
Max. Length 19.5 cm SL

Cathorops manglarensis
No picture found
South America
Max. Length 30.6 cm TL

Cathorops mapale

Photo by Ayala Pérez, L.A.

Central America
Max. Length 23 cm TL

Photo by Ayala Pérez, L.A.
Cathorops melanopus
[Dark sea catfish]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Robertson, R.
Cathorops multiradiatus
[Box sea catfish]
No picture found
South America
Max. Length 24.5 cm SL

Cathorops nuchalis
No picture found
Southwestern Atlantic

Cathorops puncticulatus
No picture found
Eastern Central Pacific

Cathorops raredonae
[Curator sea catfish]

Photo by Camargo, M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Camargo, M.
Cathorops spixii
[Madamango sea catfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Central America
Max. Length 36 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Cathorops steindachneri
[Steindachner's sea catfish]
No picture found
Central America
Max. Length 28.3 cm SL

Cathorops taylori

Photo by Robertson, R.

Central and South America
Max. Length 33.9 cm TL

Photo by Robertson, R.
Cathorops tuyra
[Besudo sea catfish]

Photo by MNHN

South America
Max. Length 14.1 cm SL

Photo by MNHN
Cathorops variolosus
No picture found
Western Atlantic
Max. Length 31.4 cm SL

Cathorops wayuu

Photo by Baird, I.G.

Max. Length 300 cm TL

Photo by Baird, I.G.
Catlocarpio siamensis
[Giant barb]

Photo by JJPhoto

South America
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by JJPhoto
Catoprion mento
[Wimple piranha]
No picture found
North America
Max. Length 65 cm TL

Catostomus ardens
[Utah sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 40 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus bernardini
[Yaqui sucker]
No picture found
North America
Max. Length 12.9 cm SL

Catostomus bondi

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus cahita
[Cahita sucker]

Photo by Scarola, J.F.

North America
Max. Length 64 cm TL

Photo by Scarola, J.F.
Catostomus catostomus
[Longnose sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 33 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus clarkii
[Desert sucker]
No picture found
North America
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Catostomus columbianus
[Bridgelip sucker]

Photo by Seelig, C.

North America
Max. Length 65 cm TL

Photo by Seelig, C.
Catostomus commersonii
[White sucker]
No picture found
North America

Catostomus conchos

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 41 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus discobolus
[Bluehead sucker]
No picture found
North America
Max. Length 50 cm TL

Catostomus fumeiventris
[Owens sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 80 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus insignis
[Sonora sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 56 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus latipinnis
[Flannelmouth sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus leopoldi
[Bavispe sucker]

Photo by Keeley, E.R.

North America
Max. Length 61 cm TL

Photo by Keeley, E.R.
Catostomus macrocheilus
[Largescale sucker]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North America
Max. Length 34 cm TL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Catostomus microps
[Modoc sucker]
No picture found
North America

Catostomus nebuliferus
[Nazas sucker]

Photo by Reyes, R.C.

North America
Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by Reyes, R.C.
Catostomus occidentalis
[Sacramento sucker]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North America
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Catostomus platyrhynchus
[Mountain sucker]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North America
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Catostomus plebeius
[Rio Grande sucker]
No picture found
North America
Max. Length 50 cm TL

Catostomus rimiculus
[Jenny creek sucker]
No picture found
North America
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Catostomus santaanae
[Santa Ana sucker]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North America
Max. Length 55 cm TL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Catostomus snyderi
[Klamath largescale sucker]

Photo by Ribeiro, F.

North America
Max. Length 61 cm TL

Photo by Ribeiro, F.
Catostomus tahoensis
[Tahoe sucker]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

North America
Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Catostomus tsiltcoosensis
[Tyee sucker]

Photo by Morse, R.S.

North America
Max. Length 11 cm SL

Photo by Morse, R.S.
Catostomus utawana
[Summer sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus warnerensis
[Warner sucker]

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy

North America

Photo by The Native Fish Conservancy
Catostomus wigginsi
[Opata sucker]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 49.5 cm TL

Photo by Robertson, R.
Caulolatilus affinis
[Bighead tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 40.7 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Caulolatilus bermudensis
[Bermuda tilefish]

Photo by Kolding, J.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by Kolding, J.
Caulolatilus chrysops
[Atlantic goldeneye tilefish]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Caulolatilus cyanops
[Blackline tilefish]

Photo by Boe, B. / Flying Fish Charters

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Photo by Boe, B. / Flying Fish Charters
Caulolatilus dooleyi
[Bankslope tilefish]

Photo by Kolding, J.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Photo by Kolding, J.
Caulolatilus guppyi
[Reticulated tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 36 cm SL

Photo by FAO
Caulolatilus hubbsi
[Hubbs' tilefish]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Caulolatilus intermedius
[Gulf bareye tilefish]

Photo by Flescher, D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 90 cm TL

Photo by Flescher, D.
Caulolatilus microps
[Grey tilefish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 102 cm TL

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Caulolatilus princeps
[Ocean whitefish]

Photo by Boe, B. / Flying Fish Charters

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 46.9 cm TL

Photo by Boe, B. / Flying Fish Charters
Caulolatilus williamsi
[Yellowbar tilefish]
No picture found
Eastern Pacific

Caulophryne bacescui

Photo by DESCNA

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by DESCNA
Caulophryne jordani
[Fanfin angler]

Photo by Ho, H.-C.

Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by Ho, H.-C.
Caulophryne pelagica

Photo by Reiner, F.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 21 cm TL

Photo by Reiner, F.
Caulophryne polynema

Photo by Lavan, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 76 cm TL

Photo by Lavan, J.
Cebidichthys violaceus
[Monkeyface prickleback]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 34 cm TL

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Centracanthus cirrus
[Curled picarel]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 30.7 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Centrarchops chapini
[Barred seabass]

Photo by Thomas, C.

North America
Max. Length 29.2 cm TL

Photo by Thomas, C.
Centrarchus macropterus

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Circumglobal in southern
Max. Length 30 cm SL

Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Centriscops humerosus
[Banded yellowfish]

Photo by Greenfield, J.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Greenfield, J.
Centriscus cristatus
[Smooth razorfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 17 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Centriscus scutatus
[Grooved razor-fish]

Photo by CSIRO

Western Pacific
Max. Length 51 cm SL

Photo by CSIRO
Centroberyx affinis
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 51 cm TL

Centroberyx australis
[Yelloweye nannygai]

Photo by Lai, N.-W.

Western Indian Ocean. We
Max. Length 23 cm TL

Photo by Lai, N.-W.
Centroberyx druzhinini

Photo by CSIRO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 66 cm TL

Photo by CSIRO
Centroberyx gerrardi
[Bight redfish]

Photo by Danna, P.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 46 cm TL

Photo by Danna, P.
Centroberyx lineatus

Photo by Nair, R. et al.

Northwest Pacific

Photo by Nair, R. et al.
Centroberyx rubricaudus

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Centroberyx spinosus
[Short alfonsino]
No picture found
Indo-Pacific. South China
Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Centrobranchus andreae
[Andre's lanternfish]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 4 cm SL

Centrobranchus brevirostris
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 4 cm SL

Centrobranchus choerocephalus

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 5 cm SL

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Centrobranchus nigroocellatus
[Roundnose lanternfish]

Photo by Ospina Pabon, J.G./GUIA

South America
Max. Length 22.5 cm SL

Photo by Ospina Pabon, J.G./GUIA
Centrochir crocodili

Photo by James, A.

South America
Max. Length 41 cm TL

Photo by James, A.
Centrodoras brachiatus

Photo by Sabaj Pérez, M.H.

South America
Max. Length 21 cm SL

Photo by Sabaj Pérez, M.H.
Centrodoras hasemani

Photo by Fricke, R.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 9.7 cm SL

Photo by Fricke, R.
Centrodraco abstractum
[Abstract slope dragonet]
No picture found
North Atlantic
Max. Length 11 cm SL

Centrodraco acanthopoma
[North Atlantic slope dragonet]

Photo by Fricke, R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 3.4 cm SL

Photo by Fricke, R.
Centrodraco atrifilum
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 4.2 cm SL

Centrodraco fidelis
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 6.7 cm SL

Centrodraco gegonipus
[Sala-y-Gomez slope dragonet]

Photo by CSIRO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Photo by CSIRO
Centrodraco insolitus
[Western Australian slope dragonet]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 12.0 cm SL

Centrodraco lineatus
No picture found
Pacific Ocean

Centrodraco nakaboi
[Nakabo’s slope dragonet]
No picture found
Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 14 cm SL

Centrodraco oregonus
[Brazilian slope dragonet]
No picture found
Western Pacific

Centrodraco ornatus
[Ornate slope dragonet]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 11 cm SL

Centrodraco otohime
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 9.5 cm SL

Centrodraco pseudoxenicus
[Japanese slope dragonet]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 9.8 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Centrodraco rubellus
No picture found
Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 9.4 cm SL

Centrodraco striatus
[Striped slope dragonet]
35701 Species of Family Draconettidae
(Slope dragonets)
Sort by: Species Length
Prev 23 of 143 Next  All Jump to:
Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
Careproctus eltaninae Southern Ocean
Careproctus falklandicus Southeast Pacific
Careproctus faunus Mischievous snailfish Northeast Pacific 10.2 SL
Careproctus fedorovi Southern Ocean
Careproctus filamentosus Northeast Pacific 18 SL
Careproctus furcellus North Pacific 54 SL
Careproctus georgianus Southern Ocean
Careproctus gilberti Smalldisk snailfish Northeast Pacific 8.9 TL
Careproctus globulus Globular snailfish Pacific Ocean 4.3 SL
Careproctus guillemi Southern Ocean
Careproctus homopterus Northwest Pacific 4.3 SL
Careproctus hyaleius Eastern Pacific 12.3 TL
Careproctus improvisus Southern Ocean
Careproctus inflexidens Southern Ocean 22 TL
Careproctus kamikawai Arbiter Snailfish Eastern Central Pacific 17.5 TL
Careproctus karaensis Kara tadpolefish Arctic 14.2 TL
Careproctus kidoi Kido's snailfish Northwest Atlantic 9.5 SL
Careproctus knipowitschi Knipowitsch's tadpole Northeast Atlantic 18.5 TL
Careproctus lacmi Southern Ocean
Careproctus lacrima Teardrop snailfish Northeast Pacific 6 SL
Careproctus laperousei Laperouse snailfish Northwestern Pacific 12 SL
Careproctus latiosus Broad-mouth tadpole Arctic Ocean 9.8 TL
Careproctus leptorhinus Southern Ocean
Careproctus lerikimae Arctic
Careproctus longifilis Stippled snailfish Eastern Pacific 16.2 SL
Careproctus longipectoralis Southern Ocean 16.8 SL
Careproctus longipinnis Longfin snailfish Northeast Atlantic 27 NG
Careproctus lycopersicus Tomato Snailfish North Pacific 17.2 TL
Careproctus macranchus Southwest Atlantic
Careproctus macrodiscus Northwest Pacific 44 SL
Careproctus macrophthalmus Large-eyed tadpole Northeast Atlantic 10.9 TL
Careproctus maculosus Southwest Atlantic 4.6 SL
Careproctus magellanicus Southern Ocean
Careproctus marginatus Northwest Pacific 23.5 SL
Careproctus maslenikovae Blushing snailfish Northeast Pacific 4.0 SL
Careproctus mederi Northwest Pacific
Careproctus melanuroides Northwest Pacific
Careproctus melanurus Blacktail snailfish North Pacific 54 TL
Careproctus merretti Merret's snailfish Northeast Atlantic 20.5 SL
Careproctus mica Babbie tadpolefish Arctic 7.8 TL
Careproctus micropus Northeast Atlantic 8.2 SL
Careproctus microstomus Northeast Pacific 19.7 SL
Careproctus minimus Southwest Atlantic
Careproctus mollis Northeast Pacific 7.4 SL
Careproctus moskalevi Moskalev’s tadpole Arctic Ocean 9 TL
Careproctus narilobus South Pacific Ocean 16.3 TL
Careproctus nelsoni Saddleback snailfish Northern Pacific 6.8 SL
Careproctus nigricans Northwest Pacific 17.3 SL
Careproctus notosaikaiensis Notosaikai-bikunin Pacific Ocean 18.2 TL
Careproctus novaezelandiae Southwest Pacific 9.5 SL
Careproctus opisthotremus North Pacific 5 TL
Careproctus oregonensis Smallfin snailfish Northeast Pacific 15.3 SL
Careproctus ostentum North Pacific
Careproctus ovigerus Abyssal snailfish Northeast Pacific 43.1 SL
Careproctus pallidus Southeast Pacific
Careproctus parvidiscus Northwest Pacific 17.7 SL
Careproctus parviporatus Southern Ocean
Careproctus patagonicus Southwest Atlantic
Careproctus paxtoni Blunt-tooth snailfish Southwest Pacific 14.4 SL
Careproctus pellucicauda Pacific Ocean 12.6 SL
Careproctus phasma North Pacific
Careproctus polarsterni Southern Ocean
Careproctus profundicola Southern Ocean 14.1 SL
Careproctus pseudoprofundicola Southern Ocean
Careproctus pulcher Handsome snailfish Pacific Ocean 11 SL
Careproctus pycnosoma North Pacific 7.9 SL
Careproctus ranula Scotian snailfish Northern Atlantic 8.1 SL
Careproctus rastrinoides Northwest Pacific
Careproctus rastrinus Salmon snailfish Northeast Pacific 51 SL
Careproctus reinhardti Sea tadpole Arctic 30 TL
Careproctus rhodomelas Northwest Pacific 12 SL
Careproctus rimiventris Southern Ocean
Careproctus rosa Rose tadpolefish Arctic 14.3 TL
Careproctus roseofuscus Round snailfish Northwest Pacific 35 SL
Careproctus rotundifrons Northwest Pacific 104.4 SL
Careproctus sandwichensis Southern Ocean
Careproctus scaphopterus Southern Ocean
Careproctus scottae Northeast Pacific
Careproctus segaliensis Northwest Pacific 6.9 SL
Careproctus seraphimae Northwest Pacific
Careproctus simus North Pacific 18.6 SL
Careproctus sinensis Northwest Pacific 5.9 SL
Careproctus solidus Thickset tadpole Arctic and Northeast Atla 11.8 SL
Careproctus spectrum Northeast Pacific
Careproctus spiraki Pimpled snailfish Northeast Pacific 5.5 SL
Careproctus staufferi Wry snailfish North Pacific 9.0 SL
Careproctus steini Southeast Pacific
Careproctus stigmatogenus Southwest Atlantic 4.7 SL
Careproctus surugaensis Suruga snailfsh Northwest Pacific 8.3 SL
Careproctus tapirus Tapir tadpole Northeast Atlantic 13.9 SL
Careproctus telescopus Telescope tadpole Northeast Atlantic 14 TL
Careproctus trachysoma Northwest Pacific 31 SL
Careproctus tricapitidens Southern Ocean
Careproctus uter Drop-shaped tadpolefish Arctic
Careproctus vladibeckeri Southern Ocean
Careproctus zachirus Northwest Pacific 32 TL
Careproctus zispi Southern Ocean
Carinotetraodon borneensis Asia 4.4 SL
Carinotetraodon imitator Asia
Carinotetraodon irrubesco Asia 4.4 SL
Carinotetraodon lorteti Redeye puffer Asia 6 SL
Carinotetraodon salivator Asia 4 SL
Carinotetraodon travancoricus Malabar pufferfish Asia 3.5 TL
Caristius barsukovi Atlantic from Namibia to 21.6 SL
Caristius digitus Western Indian Ocean (off 18.5 SL
Caristius fasciatus Greenland manefish Atlantic Ocean 30 TL
Caristius japonicus Southeast Pacific
Caristius litvinovi Southeast Atlantic 13 SL
Caristius macropus Manefish North Pacific 32 TL
Caristius meridionalis South Pacific 26.7 SL
Caristius walvisensis Southeast Atlantic 12.9 SL
Carlana eigenmanni Central America 5.4 SL
Carlarius gigas Giant sea catfish Africa 165 TL
Carlarius heudelotii Smoothmouth sea catfish Eastern Atlantic 83 TL
Carlarius latiscutatus Rough-head sea catfish Eastern Atlantic 85 TL
Carlarius parkii Guinean sea catfish Eastern Atlantic 75 TL
Carlhubbsia kidderi Champoton gambusia Central America 6
Carlhubbsia stuarti Barred livebearer Central America 5.5 SL
Carnegiella marthae Blackwing hatchetfish South America 2.8 SL
Carnegiella myersi Pygmy hatchetfish South America 2.2 SL
Carnegiella schereri Dwarf hatchetfish South America 2.6 SL
Carnegiella strigata Marbled hatchetfish South America 3.5 SL
Carpiodes carpio River carpsucker North America 64 TL
Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback North America 66 TL
Carpiodes velifer Highfin carpsucker North America 50 TL
Carrigobius amblyrhynchus Blunt-snout goby Western Central Atlantic 4 SL
Caspiomyzon graecus Epirus brook lamprey Europe 18.9 TL
Caspiomyzon hellenicus Macedonia brook lamprey Europe 18.9 TL
Caspiomyzon wagneri Caspian lamprey Eurasia 55.3 TL
Caspiosoma caspium Caspian naked goby Eurasia 4.5 TL
Castleichthys auritus Eared conger Eastern Indian Ocean 28.8 TL
Cataetyx alleni Eastern Atlantic 12 TL
Cataetyx bruuni Eastern Atlantic 10 TL
Cataetyx chthamalorhynchus Southeast Atlantic 36 TL
Cataetyx hawaiiensis Eastern Central Pacific
Cataetyx laticeps Eastern Atlantic 65 TL
Cataetyx lepidogenys Western Pacific 13 SL
Cataetyx messieri Southeast Pacific and Sou 27.6 SL
Cataetyx nielseni Nielsen's catetyx Southwest Pacific 18 TL
Cataetyx platyrhynchus Northwest Pacific 57 SL
Cataetyx rubrirostris Rubynose brotula Eastern Pacific 15.7 TL
Cataetyx simus Eastern Pacific 63.2 TL
Catathyridium garmani Southwest Atlantic 17
Catathyridium grandirivi South America 11.5 SL
Catathyridium jenynsii South America 23.7
Catathyridium lorentzii South America 5.4
Catesbya pseudomuraena Western Central Atlantic 14.0 TL
Cathorops agassizii South America 22.5 TL
Cathorops aguadulce Estuarine sea catfish Central America 22.7 SL
Cathorops arenatus South America 25 SL
Cathorops belizensis Belize sea catfish Western Central Atlantic 24.8 SL
Cathorops dasycephalus Bigbelly sea catfish Eastern Pacific 36 TL
Cathorops fuerthii Congo sea catfish North, Central and South 31.2 TL
Cathorops higuchii Western Central Atlantic 19.2 SL
Cathorops hypophthalmus Gloomy sea catfish Central America 35 TL
Cathorops kailolae Papillate sea catfish Central America 25.4 SL
Cathorops liropus Conguito sea catfish Central America 19.7 SL
Cathorops manglarensis South America 19.5 SL
Cathorops mapale South America 30.6 TL
Cathorops melanopus Dark sea catfish Central America 23 TL
Cathorops multiradiatus Box sea catfish Eastern Pacific 30 TL
Cathorops nuchalis South America 24.5 SL
Cathorops puncticulatus Southwestern Atlantic
Cathorops raredonae Curator sea catfish Eastern Central Pacific
Cathorops spixii Madamango sea catfish Western Atlantic 30 TL
Cathorops steindachneri Steindachner's sea catfish Central America 36 TL
Cathorops taylori Central America 28.3 SL
Cathorops tuyra Besudo sea catfish Central and South America 33.9 TL
Cathorops variolosus South America 14.1 SL
Cathorops wayuu Western Atlantic 31.4 SL
Catlocarpio siamensis Giant barb Asia 300 TL
Catoprion mento Wimple piranha South America 15 SL
Catostomus ardens Utah sucker North America 65 TL
Catostomus bernardini Yaqui sucker North America 40 TL
Catostomus bondi North America 12.9 SL
Catostomus cahita Cahita sucker North America
Catostomus catostomus Longnose sucker North America 64 TL
Catostomus clarkii Desert sucker North America 33 TL
Catostomus columbianus Bridgelip sucker North America 30 TL
Catostomus commersonii White sucker North America 65 TL
Catostomus conchos North America
Catostomus discobolus Bluehead sucker North America 41 TL
Catostomus fumeiventris Owens sucker North America 50 TL
Catostomus insignis Sonora sucker North America 80 TL
Catostomus latipinnis Flannelmouth sucker North America 56 TL
Catostomus leopoldi Bavispe sucker North America
Catostomus macrocheilus Largescale sucker North America 61 TL
Catostomus microps Modoc sucker North America 34 TL
Catostomus nebuliferus Nazas sucker North America
Catostomus occidentalis Sacramento sucker North America 60 TL
Catostomus platyrhynchus Mountain sucker North America 25 TL
Catostomus plebeius Rio Grande sucker North America 20 TL
Catostomus rimiculus Jenny creek sucker North America 50 TL
Catostomus santaanae Santa Ana sucker North America 25 TL
Catostomus snyderi Klamath largescale sucker North America 55 TL
Catostomus tahoensis Tahoe sucker North America 61 TL
Catostomus tsiltcoosensis Tyee sucker North America 4.4 SL
Catostomus utawana Summer sucker North America 11 SL
Catostomus warnerensis Warner sucker North America 35 TL
Catostomus wigginsi Opata sucker North America
Caulolatilus affinis Bighead tilefish Eastern Pacific 49.5 TL
Caulolatilus bermudensis Bermuda tilefish Western Central Atlantic 40.7 TL
Caulolatilus chrysops Atlantic goldeneye tilefish Western Atlantic 60 TL
Caulolatilus cyanops Blackline tilefish Western Atlantic 60 TL
Caulolatilus dooleyi Bankslope tilefish Western Central Atlantic 35 TL
Caulolatilus guppyi Reticulated tilefish Western Central Atlantic 35 TL
Caulolatilus hubbsi Hubbs' tilefish Eastern Pacific 36 SL
Caulolatilus intermedius Gulf bareye tilefish Western Central Atlantic 60 TL
Caulolatilus microps Grey tilefish Western Atlantic 90 TL
Caulolatilus princeps Ocean whitefish Eastern Pacific 102 TL
Caulolatilus williamsi Yellowbar tilefish Western Central Atlantic 46.9 TL
Caulophryne bacescui Eastern Pacific
Caulophryne jordani Fanfin angler Circumglobal. 20 TL
Caulophryne pelagica Circumglobal. 15 SL
Caulophryne polynema Eastern Atlantic 21 TL
Cebidichthys violaceus Monkeyface prickleback Eastern Pacific 76 TL
Centracanthus cirrus Curled picarel Eastern Atlantic 34 TL
Centrarchops chapini Barred seabass Eastern Atlantic 30.7 TL
Centrarchus macropterus Flier North America 29.2 TL
Centriscops humerosus Banded yellowfish Circumglobal in southern 30 SL
Centriscus cristatus Smooth razorfish Indo-West Pacific 30 TL
Centriscus scutatus Grooved razor-fish Indo-Pacific 17 TL
Centroberyx affinis Redfish Western Pacific 51 SL
Centroberyx australis Yelloweye nannygai Eastern Indian Ocean 51 TL
Centroberyx druzhinini Western Indian Ocean. We 23 TL
Centroberyx gerrardi Bight redfish Eastern Indian Ocean 66 TL
Centroberyx lineatus Swallow-tail Western Indian Ocean 46 TL
Centroberyx rubricaudus Northwest Pacific
Centroberyx spinosus Short alfonsino Western Indian Ocean 20 TL
Centrobranchus andreae Andre's lanternfish Indo-Pacific. South China 6.5 SL
Centrobranchus brevirostris Northwest Pacific 4 SL
Centrobranchus choerocephalus Pacific Ocean 4 SL
Centrobranchus nigroocellatus Roundnose lanternfish Eastern Atlantic 5 SL
Centrochir crocodili South America 22.5 SL
Centrodoras brachiatus South America 41 TL
Centrodoras hasemani South America 21 SL
Centrodraco abstractum Abstract slope dragonet Western Central Pacific 9.7 SL
Centrodraco acanthopoma North Atlantic slope dragonet North Atlantic 11 SL
Centrodraco atrifilum Western Pacific 3.4 SL
Centrodraco fidelis Southwest Pacific 4.2 SL
Centrodraco gegonipus Sala-y-Gomez slope dragonet Southeast Pacific 6.7 SL
Centrodraco insolitus Western Australian slope dragonet Eastern Indian Ocean 10.4 SL
Centrodraco lineatus Western Indian Ocean 12.0 SL
Centrodraco nakaboi Nakabo’s slope dragonet Pacific Ocean
Centrodraco oregonus Brazilian slope dragonet Southwest Atlantic 14 SL
Centrodraco ornatus Ornate slope dragonet Western Pacific
Centrodraco otohime Northwest Pacific 11 SL
Centrodraco pseudoxenicus Japanese slope dragonet Western Pacific 9.5 SL
Centrodraco rubellus Pacific Ocean 9.8 SL
Centrodraco striatus Striped slope dragonet Southeast Pacific 9.4 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by mortiz, 28/05/2012