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(See list of species below)

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2348 species in Pacific, Southwest (see list below)

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Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Abantennarius coccineus
[Scarlet frogfish]

Photo by Hernández-González, C.L.

Max. Length 13 cm TL

Photo by Hernández-González, C.L.
Abantennarius nummifer
[Spotfin frogfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 5.8 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Abantennarius rosaceus
[Spiny-tufted frogfish]

Photo by Petrinos, C.

Eastern Indian Ocean and
Max. Length 15 cm TL

Photo by Petrinos, C.
Ablabys taenianotus
[Cockatoo waspfish]

Photo by Freitas, R.

Worldwide distribution in
Max. Length 140 cm TL

Photo by Freitas, R.
Ablennes hians
[Flat needlefish]

Photo by Eric Keung@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey

Western Pacific
Max. Length 17 cm TL

Photo by Eric Keung@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey
Abudefduf bengalensis
[Bengal sergeant]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 19 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Abudefduf sexfasciatus
[Scissortail sergeant]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Max. Length 24 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Abudefduf sordidus
[Blackspot sergeant]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Abudefduf vaigiensis
[Indo-Pacific sergeant]

Photo by Kochzius, M.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 14 cm SL

Photo by Kochzius, M.
Abudefduf whitleyi
[Whitley's sergeant]

Photo by FAO

In deep waters of tropic
Max. Length 16.5 cm SL

Photo by FAO
Abyssobrotula galatheae
[Galathea cuskeel]

Photo by Yau, B.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 14 cm TL

Photo by Yau, B.
Acanthaluteres spilomelanurus
[Bridled leatherjacket]

Photo by CSIRO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Photo by CSIRO
Acanthaluteres vittiger
[Toothbrush leatherjacket]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 50 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Acanthistius cinctus
[Yellowbanded perch]

Photo by Camrrubi, J.-F.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 45 cm TL

Photo by Camrrubi, J.-F.
Acanthistius ocellatus
[Eastern wirrah]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 25.8 cm SL

Acanthistius paxtoni
[Orangelined wirrah]

Photo by SFSA

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 15.2 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Acanthochaenus luetkenii

Photo by Tveskov, E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Tveskov, E.
Acanthoclinus fuscus
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Acanthoclinus littoreus

Photo by Caiger, P.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 17 cm TL

Photo by Caiger, P.
Acanthoclinus marilynae
[Stout rockfish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Acanthoclinus matti
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Acanthoclinus rua
[Little rockfish]

Photo by University of Western Australia (UWA)

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 250 cm TL

Photo by University of Western Australia (UWA)
Acanthocybium solandri

Photo by Kim, I.-S.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Kim, I.-S.
Acanthogobius flavimanus
[Yellowfin goby]

Photo by Banks, I.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 66 cm SL

Photo by Banks, I.
Acanthopagrus australis
[Yellowfin bream]

Photo by Good, P.

Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by Good, P.
Acanthopagrus butcheri
[Black bream]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 45 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Acanthurus blochii
[Ringtail surgeonfish]

Photo by Malaer, P.

Max. Length 54 cm TL

Photo by Malaer, P.
Acanthurus dussumieri
[Eyestripe surgeonfish]

Photo by Malaer, P.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Photo by Malaer, P.
Acanthurus leucopareius
[Whitebar surgeonfish]

Photo by Malaer, P.

Max. Length 21 cm TL

Photo by Malaer, P.
Acanthurus nigrofuscus
[Brown surgeonfish]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm TL

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver
Acanthurus olivaceus
[Orangespot surgeonfish]

Photo by Malaer, P.

Max. Length 27 cm TL

Photo by Malaer, P.
Acanthurus triostegus
[Convict surgeonfish]

Photo by Alban Choinier/Magazine des Voyages de Pêche

Max. Length 70 cm TL

Photo by Alban Choinier/Magazine des Voyages de Pêche
Acanthurus xanthopterus
[Yellowfin surgeonfish]

Photo by Maddern, M.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Photo by Maddern, M.
Acentrogobius pflaumii
[Striped sandgoby]

Photo by CAFS

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 16.5 cm TL

Photo by CAFS
Acentrogobius viridipunctatus
[Spotted green goby]

Photo by South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 39 cm TL

Photo by South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity
Achiropsetta tricholepis
[Prickly flounder]

Photo by Yau, B.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 62 cm TL

Photo by Yau, B.
Achoerodus viridis
[Eastern blue groper]

Photo by Good, P.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 21 cm TL

Photo by Good, P.
Aetapcus maculatus
[Warty prowfish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 3.2 cm SL

Aetheliparis taurocanis
No picture found
Max. Length 11 cm TL

Afurcagobius tamarensis
[Tamar River goby]

Photo by SFSA

Southern Oceans
Max. Length 300 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Agrostichthys parkeri
[Streamer fish]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Tropical and subtropical
Max. Length 26.9 cm SL

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Ahliesaurus berryi

Photo by Groeneveld, R.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Photo by Groeneveld, R.
Alabes dorsalis
[Common shore-eel]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Alabes hoesei
[Dwarf shore-eel]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Alabes parvula
[Pygmy shore-eel]

Photo by Hutchins, B.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 4.8 cm SL

Photo by Hutchins, B.
Alabes scotti

Photo by Springer, V.G.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Photo by Springer, V.G.
Alabes springeri

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 90 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Albula glossodonta
[Roundjaw bonefish]

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm SL

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Aldrichetta forsteri
[Yellow-eye mullet]

Photo by Reyes, R.B.

Circumglobal, tropical to
Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Aldrovandia affinis
[Gilbert's halosaurid fish]

Photo by Johnson, L.

Circumglobal in tropical,
Max. Length 150 cm TL

Photo by Johnson, L.
Alectis ciliaris
[African pompano]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Max. Length 96 cm TL

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Alepisaurus brevirostris
[Short snouted lancetfish]

Photo by Chow, S.

Max. Length 215 cm TL

Photo by Chow, S.
Alepisaurus ferox
[Long snouted lancetfish]

Photo by Graham, K.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 66.2 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Alepocephalus antipodianus
[Antipodean slickhead]

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.

Max. Length 69 cm SL

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.
Alepocephalus australis
[Small scaled brown slickhead]

Photo by Graham, K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 41 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Alepocephalus longirostris
[Longsnout slickhead]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Alertichthys blacki
[Alert pigfish]

Photo by P.R. Møller & W. Schwarzhans

Eastern Indian Ocean to W
Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Photo by P.R. Møller & W. Schwarzhans
Alionematichthys piger
[Whiskered viviparous brotula]

Photo by SeaFIC

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 47 cm TL

Photo by SeaFIC
Allocyttus niger
[Black oreo]

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 42.5 cm TL

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.
Allocyttus verrucosus
[Warty dory]

Photo by Good, P.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm TL

Photo by Good, P.
Allomycterus pilatus
[Deep-water burrfish]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 105 cm FL

Photo by FAO
Allothunnus fallai
[Slender tuna]

Photo by Chow, S.

Circumglobal; tropical an
Max. Length 488.0 cm TL

Photo by Chow, S.
Alopias superciliosus
[Bigeye thresher]

Photo by S. Iglesels et al

Cosmopolitan in temperate
Max. Length 573.3 cm TL

Photo by S. Iglesels et al
Alopias vulpinus

Photo by Flescher, D.

Circumtropical. Western
Max. Length 76.2 cm TL

Photo by Flescher, D.
Aluterus monoceros
[Unicorn leatherjacket filefish]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Max. Length 110 cm TL

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Aluterus scriptus
[Scribbled leatherjacket filefish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm SL

Ambassis jacksoniensis
[Port Jackson glassfish]

Photo by Graham, K.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 12.1 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Ambiserrula jugosa
[Mud flathead]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 7.8 cm SL

Amblyeleotris callopareia
[Beautiful-cheek shrimpgoby]

Photo by Cox, C.D.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Photo by Cox, C.D.
Amblygobius albimaculatus
[Butterfly goby]

Photo by Gomen See@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 10 cm SL

Photo by Gomen See@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey
Amblygobius nocturnus
[Nocturn goby]

Photo by Eric Keung@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 15 cm TL

Photo by Eric Keung@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey
Amblygobius phalaena
[Whitebarred goby]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Amblypomacentrus tricinctus
[Threeband damselfish]

Photo by Reyes, P.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 115 cm TL

Photo by Reyes, P.
Amblyraja georgiana
[Antarctic starry skate]

Photo by DESCNA

Arctic, Indian, Pacific a
Max. Length 112 cm TL

Photo by DESCNA
Amblyraja hyperborea
[Arctic skate]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 29 cm SL

Ambophthalmos angustus
[Pale toadfish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 26.2 cm SL

Ambophthalmos eurystigmatephoros
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm SL

Ambophthalmos magnicirrus
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Ammodytoides vagus

Photo by CSIRO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by CSIRO
Ammotretis rostratus
[Longsnout flounder]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Amphichaetodon howensis
[Lord Howe Island butterflyfish]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 9 cm SL

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Amphiprion akindynos
[Barrier reef anemonefish]

Photo by Marco Chan@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by Marco Chan@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey
Amphiprion clarkii
[Yellowtail clownfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 14 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Amphiprion latezonatus
[Wide-band Anemonefish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Amphiprion mccullochi
[Whitesnout anemonefish]

Photo by Rusconi, G.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 42 cm TL

Photo by Rusconi, G.
Anampses caeruleopunctatus
[Bluespotted wrasse]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 29 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Anampses elegans
[Elegant wrasse]

Photo by Pereira, P.H.C.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 24 cm TL

Photo by Pereira, P.H.C.
Anampses femininus
[Blue-striped orange tamarin]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 31 cm TL

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Anampses geographicus
[Geographic wrasse]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Anampses melanurus
[White-spotted wrasse]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda

Max. Length 22 cm TL

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda
Anampses meleagrides
[Spotted wrasse]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm SL

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Anampses neoguinaicus
[New Guinea wrasse]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Max. Length 17 cm TL

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Anarchias allardicei
[Allardice's moray]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 21.9 cm TL

Anarchias cantonensis
[Canton Island moray]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 29 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Anarchias seychellensis
[Seychelles moray]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 19.1 cm TL

Anarchias supremus

Photo by McDowall, R.M.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 130 cm TL

Photo by McDowall, R.M.
Anguilla australis
[Short-finned eel]

Photo by Bursell, J.J.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 185 cm TL

Photo by Bursell, J.J.
Anguilla dieffenbachii
[New Zealand longfin eel]

Photo by IRD/C. Ledru

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 110 cm TL

Photo by IRD/C. Ledru
Anguilla obscura
[Pacific shortfinned eel]

Photo by Pöllabauer, C.

Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 165 cm TL

Photo by Pöllabauer, C.
Anguilla reinhardtii
[Speckled longfin eel]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Indo-West Pacific.
Max. Length 37 cm TL

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Anoplocapros inermis
[Eastern smooth boxfish]

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.

Worldwide in tropical to
Max. Length 18 cm TL

Photo by Bañón Díaz, R.
Anoplogaster cornuta
[Common fangtooth]

Photo by Richard O’Driscoll / NOAA

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 105 cm SL

Photo by Richard O’Driscoll / NOAA
Anotopterus vorax
[Southern ocean daggertooth]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-Pacific and Eastern
Max. Length 45 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Antennarius commerson
[Commerson's frogfish]

Photo by Honeycutt, K.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by Honeycutt, K.
Antennarius hispidus
[Shaggy angler]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda

Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda
Antennarius pictus
[Painted frogfish]

Photo by Honeycutt, K.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 8 cm SL

Photo by Honeycutt, K.
Antennarius randalli
[Randall's frogfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Antennarius striatus
[Striated frogfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Worldwide in subtropical
Max. Length 30.5 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Antigonia capros
[Deepbody boarfish]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 6.7 cm SL

Antigonia malayana
[Malayan deepsea boarfish]

Photo by CSIRO

Eastern Indian Ocean and
Max. Length 11 cm TL

Photo by CSIRO
Antigonia rhomboidea
[Rhomboid deepsea boarfish]

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Antigonia rubescens
[Indo-Pacific boarfish]

Photo by Graham, K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 10.6 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Antigonia rubicunda
[Rosy deepsea boarfish]

Photo by Garazo Fabregat, A.

Max. Length 75 cm SL

Photo by Garazo Fabregat, A.
Antimora rostrata
[Blue antimora]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Antipodocottus elegans
[Dwarf sculpin]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific.

Antipodocottus galatheae
[Galathea sculpin]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Antipodocottus megalops
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 77.8 cm SL

Aphanopus capricornis

Photo by FAO

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 90 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Aphanopus mikhailini
[Mikhailin's scabbardfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Max. Length 70 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Aphareus furca
[Small toothed jobfish]

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by FAO
Aphyonus gelatinosus
[Gelatinous blindfish]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 10 cm TL

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Aploactis aspera
[Dusky velvetfish]

Photo by Schulz, S.

Max. Length 23 cm TL

Photo by Schulz, S.
Aploactisoma milesii
[Southern velvetfish]

Photo by Cook, D.C.

Max. Length 65 cm TL

Photo by Cook, D.C.
Aplodactylus arctidens

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 45 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Aplodactylus etheridgii
[Notchheaded marblefish]

Photo by Yau, B.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 45 cm SL

Photo by Yau, B.
Aplodactylus lophodon
[Rock cale]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 12 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon caudicinctus
[Little tailband cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon coccineus
[Ruby cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-Pacific. Replaced b
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon crassiceps
[Transparent cardinalfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Apogon semiornatus
[Oblique-banded cardinalfish]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 4.0 cm SL

Apogon susanae
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 9 cm TL

Apogonichthyoides atripes
[Bulls-eye cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogonichthyoides chrysurus
[Golden cardinalfish]

Photo by Møller, P.R.

Indo-West Pacific. Red S
Max. Length 10 cm TL

Photo by Møller, P.R.
Apogonichthyoides nigripinnis
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 6.3 cm SL

Apopterygion oculus
[Ocellate triplefin]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Max. Length 112 cm TL

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Aprion virescens
[Green jobfish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 85.5 cm TL

Apristurus ampliceps

Photo by Graham, K.

Indian and Pacific coasts
Max. Length 61.6 cm TL

Photo by Graham, K.
Apristurus australis

Photo by Duffy, C.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 90.8 cm TL

Photo by Duffy, C.
Apristurus exsanguis
No picture found
Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 73.5 cm

Apristurus garricki

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 60 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Apristurus longicephalus
[Longhead catshark]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 57 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apterichtus australis
[Snake eel]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 80 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apterichtus flavicaudus

Photo by McCosker & Hibino, 2015

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 41.4 cm TL

Photo by McCosker & Hibino, 2015
Apterichtus malabar

Photo by Murch, A.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 120 cm TL

Photo by Murch, A.
Aptychotrema rostrata
[Eastern shovelnose ray]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Aracana aurita
[Shaw's cowfish]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Worldwide distribution fr
Max. Length 30 cm SL

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Arctozenus risso
[Spotted barracudina]

Photo by Schulz, S.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 9.1 cm SL

Photo by Schulz, S.
Arenigobius bifrenatus
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 11 cm TL

Arenigobius frenatus
[Halfbridled goby]

Photo by CSIRO

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL

Photo by CSIRO
Argentina australiae

Photo by SeaFIC

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 37 cm FL

Photo by SeaFIC
Argentina elongata

Photo by Graham, K.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 14 cm TL

Photo by Graham, K.
Argyripnus iridescens
[Brilliant pearlside]

Photo by Orlov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Photo by Orlov, A.
Argyropelecus aculeatus
[Lovely hatchetfish]

Photo by JAMARC

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Photo by JAMARC
Argyropelecus affinis
[Pacific hatchet fish]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 12 cm SL

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Argyropelecus gigas

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 5.1 cm TL

Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Argyropelecus hemigymnus
[Half-naked hatchetfish]

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 7 cm TL

Photo by Ramjohn, D.D.
Argyropelecus lychnus
[Tropical hatchetfish]

Photo by Dolgov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 9 cm TL

Photo by Dolgov, A.
Argyropelecus olfersii

Photo by JAMARC

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 8.3 cm TL

Photo by JAMARC
Argyropelecus sladeni
[Sladen's hatchet fish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 75 cm TL

Arhynchobatis asperrimus
[Longtail skate]

Photo by FAO

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm SL

Photo by FAO
Ariomma lurida

Photo by Graham, K.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 54 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Ariosoma kapala
[Mottled conger]

Photo by SFSA

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Ariosoma mauritianum
[Blunt-tooth conger]

Photo by Hazes, B.

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by Hazes, B.
Ariosoma scheelei
[Tropical conger]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 22 cm TL

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Aristostomias polydactylus
No picture found
Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 23 cm TL

Aristostomias scintillans
[Shiny loosejaw]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Arnoglossus bassensis
[Bass Strait flounder]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Arnoglossus boops

Photo by FAO

Western Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Arnoglossus fisoni
[Fison's lefteye flounder]

Photo by Duffy, C.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm TL

Photo by Duffy, C.
Arnoglossus scapha
No picture found
Western Central Pacific

Arnoglossus septemventralis

Photo by CSIRO

Western Pacific
Max. Length 35 cm SL

Photo by CSIRO
Arothron firmamentum
[Starry toado]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Arothron gillbanksii

Photo by Kochzius, M.

Max. Length 50 cm TL

Photo by Kochzius, M.
Arothron hispidus
[White-spotted puffer]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Max. Length 50 cm TL

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Arothron meleagris
[Guineafowl puffer]

Photo by Patzner, R.

Max. Length 33 cm TL

Photo by Patzner, R.
Arothron nigropunctatus
[Blackspotted puffer]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 120 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Arothron stellatus
[Stellate puffer]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 28 cm

Arrhamphus krefftii
[Snubhose garfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 89 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Arripis trutta
[Australian salmon]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 85 cm SL

Arripis xylabion
[Northern kahawai]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

South Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Aseraggodes bahamondei
[South Pacific sole]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwestern Pacific
Max. Length 10.2 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Aseraggodes lenisquamis
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 8.9 cm SL

Aseraggodes nigrocirratus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 6.4 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Aseraggodes ramsaii

Photo by Griffiths, S.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Photo by Griffiths, S.
Aspasmogaster costata
[Eastern clingfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL

Aspasmogaster liorhynchus
[Smooth-snout clingfish]

Photo by Field, R.

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Photo by Field, R.
Aspidontus dussumieri
[Lance blenny]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver
Aspidontus taeniatus
[False cleanerfish]

Photo by Graham, K.

Eastern Atlantic. Indo-W
Max. Length 25.3 cm SL

Photo by Graham, K.
Asquamiceps hjorti
[Barethroat slickhead]
No picture found
Western Pacific.

Asquamiceps longmani

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 4 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Assessor randalli

Photo by Kamy Yeung@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey

Max. Length 6.5 cm TL

Photo by Kamy Yeung@114°E Hong Kong Reef Fish Survey
Asterropteryx semipunctata
[Starry goby]

Photo by SFSA

Circumpolar between 30°
Max. Length 21.2 cm SL

Photo by SFSA
Astronesthes boulengeri
[Boulenger's snaggletooth]

Photo by Khan, M.M.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 10.8 cm SL

Photo by Khan, M.M.
Astronesthes cyaneus

Photo by SFSA

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 21 cm SL

Photo by SFSA
Astronesthes indicus
[Black snaggletooth]
No picture found
South Atlantic, Indian an
Max. Length 24.6 cm SL

Astronesthes kreffti
[Krefft's snaggletooth]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Max. Length 12 cm SL

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Astronesthes lucifer
[Pacific astronesthid fish]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Astronesthes lupina
[Little wolf]
No picture found
Circumglobal in the south
Max. Length 28 cm TL

Astronesthes psychrolutes
[Temperate snaggletooth]
No picture found
South Pacific.

Astronesthes spatulifer
No picture found
Max. Length 12 cm SL

Astronesthes splendidus
[Splendid snaggletooth]
No picture found
South Pacific.
Max. Length 11.2 cm SL

Astronesthes tatyanae
No picture found
South Pacific
Max. Length 10.3 cm SL

Astronesthes zetgibbsi

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 90 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Asymbolus analis
[Grey spotted catshark]

Photo by Kyne, P.M.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 41.9 cm TL

Photo by Kyne, P.M.
Asymbolus rubiginosus
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 43.8 cm TL

Asymbolus submaculatus
[Variegated catshark]

Photo by Graham, K.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 9 cm TL

Photo by Graham, K.
Atherinason hepsetoides
[Smallscale hardyhead]

Photo by Greenfield, J.

Max. Length 25 cm TL

Photo by Greenfield, J.
Atherinomorus lacunosus
[Wide-banded hardyhead silverside]

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 17 cm TL

Photo by FAO
Atherinomorus vaigiensis
[Ogilby's hardyhead]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 10.7 cm SL

Atherinosoma microstoma
[Smallmouth hardyhead]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 6.4 cm TL

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Atherion elymus
[Bearded silverside]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific

Atherion maccullochi
[McCulloch's hardyhead]

Photo by Chao, N.L.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 130 cm TL

Photo by Chao, N.L.
Atractoscion aequidens
[Geelbeck croaker]

Photo by Kim, J.-K.

Southwestern Pacific
Max. Length 51.5 cm SL

Photo by Kim, J.-K.
Atractoscion atelodus
[Small lunate caudal fin croaker]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm SL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Atypichthys latus
[Eastern footballer]

Photo by Yau, B.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Photo by Yau, B.
Atypichthys strigatus
[Australian mado]

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Auchenoceros punctatus

Photo by Trevor, M.

Max. Length 40 cm TL

Photo by Trevor, M.
Aulacocephalus temminckii
[Goldribbon soapfish]

Photo by Yin, Robert

Max. Length 80 cm TL

Photo by Yin, Robert
Aulostomus chinensis
[Chinese trumpetfish]

Photo by Nazarkin, M.V.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 11.4 cm SL

Photo by Nazarkin, M.V.
Aulotrachichthys novaezelandicus
[New Zealand roughy]

Photo by Saunders, B.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 12.6 cm SL

Photo by Saunders, B.
Austrolabrus maculatus

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 50 cm FL

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.
Auxis rochei
[Bullet tuna]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Atlantic,Mediterranean, I
Max. Length 65 cm FL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Auxis thazard
[Frigate tuna]
No picture found
Southern region of all oc
Max. Length 77 cm TL

Avocettina acuticeps
[Southern fintail snipe eel]

Photo by Reyes, P.

Max. Length 80 cm TL

Photo by Reyes, P.
Avocettina infans
[Avocet snipe eel]

Photo by SFSA

Southwest Atlantic and so
Max. Length 55 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Avocettina paucipora
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 14.1 cm SL

Azygopus flemingi

Photo by CSIRO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Photo by CSIRO
Azygopus pinnifasciatus
[Banded-fin flounder]
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 38 cm SL

Bajacalifornia calcarata
[Brown slickhead]

Photo by Alvheim, O./Institute of Marine Research (IMR)

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 40 cm SL

Photo by Alvheim, O./Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Bajacalifornia megalops
[Bigeye smooth-head]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 50 cm TL

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Balistoides conspicillum
[Clown triggerfish]

Photo by Cook, D.C.

Max. Length 75 cm TL

Photo by Cook, D.C.
Balistoides viridescens
[Titan triggerfish]

Photo by Shiina, M.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 20 cm SL

Photo by Shiina, M.
Banjos banjos
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 10.1 cm SL

Barathronus diaphanus

Photo by SFSA

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm TL

Photo by SFSA
Barathronus maculatus
[Spotted gelatinous cusk]
No picture found
Atlantic and Pacific Ocea
Max. Length 12.8 cm SL

Barathronus pacificus

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Throughout the world ocea
Max. Length 39 cm TL

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Barbourisia rufa
[Velvet whalefish]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 2.1 cm SL

Barryichthys algicola
[Green rat clingfish]

Photo by Yau, B.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 68.5 cm TL

Photo by Yau, B.
Bassanago bulbiceps
[Swollen-headed conger eel]

Photo by Graham, K.

Southwest Pacific.
Max. Length 100 cm TL

Photo by Graham, K.
Bassanago hirsutus
[Deepsea conger]

Photo by SFSA

Max. Length 64 cm SL

Photo by SFSA
Bassozetus robustus
[Robust assfish]
No picture found
Southwest and Southeast P

Bathophilus abarbatus
[Barbless dragonfish]

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

South Atlantic
Max. Length 15 cm SL

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Bathophilus ater
[Winged dragonfish]

Photo by Reiner, F.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Photo by Reiner, F.
Bathophilus brevis

Photo by Beltrán-León, B.S./Raul Ríos Herrera

Southwest Pacific

Photo by Beltrán-León, B.S./Raul Ríos Herrera
Bathophilus filifer

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 10.9 cm SL

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Bathophilus longipinnis

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 12.2 cm SL

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Bathophilus pawneei
[Pawnee dragonfish]
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 18 cm SL

Bathophilus vaillanti

Photo by Graham, K.

Southern Atlantic, Indian
Max. Length 24 cm TL

Photo by Graham, K.
Bathygadus cottoides
[Codheaded rattail]

Photo by Graham, K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm TL

Photo by Graham, K.
Bathygadus spongiceps
[Spongy rat tail]
2348 Species of Family Bathygadidae
Sort by: Species Length
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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
Abantennarius coccineus Scarlet frogfish Indo-East-Pacific 13 TL
Abantennarius nummifer Spotfin frogfish Indo-Pacific 13 TL
Abantennarius rosaceus Spiny-tufted frogfish Indo-Pacific 5.8 SL
Ablabys taenianotus Cockatoo waspfish Eastern Indian Ocean and 15 TL
Ablennes hians Flat needlefish Worldwide distribution in 140 TL
Abudefduf bengalensis Bengal sergeant Western Pacific 17 TL
Abudefduf sexfasciatus Scissortail sergeant Indo-Pacific 19 TL
Abudefduf sordidus Blackspot sergeant Indo-Pacific 24 TL
Abudefduf vaigiensis Indo-Pacific sergeant Indo-Pacific 20 TL
Abudefduf whitleyi Whitley's sergeant Western Pacific 14 SL
Abyssobrotula galatheae Galathea cuskeel In deep waters of tropic 16.5 SL
Acanthaluteres spilomelanurus Bridled leatherjacket Indo-West Pacific 14 TL
Acanthaluteres vittiger Toothbrush leatherjacket Eastern Indian Ocean 35 TL
Acanthistius cinctus Yellowbanded perch Southwest Pacific. 50 TL
Acanthistius ocellatus Eastern wirrah Southwest Pacific. 45 TL
Acanthistius paxtoni Orangelined wirrah Southwest Pacific 25.8 SL
Acanthochaenus luetkenii Pricklefish Atlantic, Indian and Paci 15.2 TL
Acanthoclinus fuscus Rockfish Southwest Pacific 30 TL
Acanthoclinus littoreus Southwest Pacific 20 TL
Acanthoclinus marilynae Stout rockfish Southwest Pacific 17 TL
Acanthoclinus matti Southwest Pacific
Acanthoclinus rua Little rockfish Southwest Pacific 11.5 TL
Acanthocybium solandri Wahoo Atlantic, Indian and Paci 250 TL
Acanthogobius flavimanus Yellowfin goby Northwest Pacific 30 TL
Acanthopagrus australis Yellowfin bream Southwest Pacific 66 SL
Acanthopagrus butcheri Black bream Indo-Pacific 60 TL
Acanthurus blochii Ringtail surgeonfish Indo-Pacific 45 SL
Acanthurus dussumieri Eyestripe surgeonfish Indo-Pacific 54 TL
Acanthurus leucopareius Whitebar surgeonfish Western Central Pacific 25 TL
Acanthurus nigrofuscus Brown surgeonfish Indo-Pacific 21 TL
Acanthurus olivaceus Orangespot surgeonfish Pacific Ocean 35 TL
Acanthurus triostegus Convict surgeonfish Indo-Pacific 27 TL
Acanthurus xanthopterus Yellowfin surgeonfish Indo-Pacific 70 TL
Acentrogobius pflaumii Striped sandgoby Northwest Pacific 12 TL
Acentrogobius viridipunctatus Spotted green goby Indo-West Pacific 16.5 TL
Achiropsetta tricholepis Prickly flounder Southwest Atlantic 39 TL
Achoerodus viridis Eastern blue groper Southwest Pacific 62 TL
Aetapcus maculatus Warty prowfish Eastern Indian Ocean 21 TL
Aetheliparis taurocanis Southwest Pacific 3.2 SL
Afurcagobius tamarensis Tamar River goby Oceania 11 TL
Agrostichthys parkeri Streamer fish Southern Oceans 300 TL
Ahliesaurus berryi Tropical and subtropical 26.9 SL
Alabes dorsalis Common shore-eel Eastern Indian Ocean 12 TL
Alabes hoesei Dwarf shore-eel Indo-West Pacific 4.5 TL
Alabes parvula Pygmy shore-eel Southwest Pacific 5 TL
Alabes scotti Southwest Pacific 4.8 SL
Alabes springeri Southwest Pacific 3.1 SL
Albula glossodonta Roundjaw bonefish Indo-Pacific 90 SL
Aldrichetta forsteri Yellow-eye mullet Southwest Pacific 50 SL
Aldrovandia affinis Gilbert's halosaurid fish Circumglobal, tropical to 60 TL
Alectis ciliaris African pompano Circumglobal in tropical, 150 TL
Alepisaurus brevirostris Short snouted lancetfish Circumglobal. 96 TL
Alepisaurus ferox Long snouted lancetfish Circumglobal 215 TL
Alepocephalus antipodianus Antipodean slickhead Western Central Pacific. 66.2 SL
Alepocephalus australis Small scaled brown slickhead Circumglobal 69 SL
Alepocephalus longirostris Longsnout slickhead Western Pacific 41 SL
Alertichthys blacki Alert pigfish Southwest Pacific 20 TL
Alionematichthys piger Whiskered viviparous brotula Eastern Indian Ocean to W 8.4 SL
Allocyttus niger Black oreo Southwest Pacific 47 TL
Allocyttus verrucosus Warty dory Eastern Atlantic 42.5 TL
Allomycterus pilatus Deep-water burrfish Indo-West Pacific 50 TL
Allothunnus fallai Slender tuna Southern Ocean 105 FL
Alopias superciliosus Bigeye thresher Circumglobal; tropical an 488.0 TL
Alopias vulpinus Thresher Cosmopolitan in temperate 573.3 TL
Aluterus monoceros Unicorn leatherjacket filefish Circumtropical. Western 76.2 TL
Aluterus scriptus Scribbled leatherjacket filefish Circumtropical. 110 TL
Ambassis jacksoniensis Port Jackson glassfish Southwest Pacific 7 SL
Ambiserrula jugosa Mud flathead Southwest Pacific 12.1 SL
Amblyeleotris callopareia Beautiful-cheek shrimpgoby Western Pacific 7.8 SL
Amblygobius albimaculatus Butterfly goby Indo-West Pacific 18 SL
Amblygobius nocturnus Nocturn goby Western Indian Ocean 10 SL
Amblygobius phalaena Whitebarred goby Pacific Ocean 15 TL
Amblypomacentrus tricinctus Threeband damselfish Western Pacific 6 TL
Amblyraja georgiana Antarctic starry skate Southeast Pacific 115 TL
Amblyraja hyperborea Arctic skate Arctic, Indian, Pacific a 112 TL
Ambophthalmos angustus Pale toadfish Southwest Pacific 29 SL
Ambophthalmos eurystigmatephoros Southwest Pacific 26.2 SL
Ambophthalmos magnicirrus Southwest Pacific 25 SL
Ammodytoides vagus Southwest Pacific 15 SL
Ammotretis rostratus Longsnout flounder Eastern Indian Ocean 30 TL
Amphichaetodon howensis Lord Howe Island butterflyfish Southwest Pacific 18 SL
Amphiprion akindynos Barrier reef anemonefish Western Pacific 9 SL
Amphiprion clarkii Yellowtail clownfish Indo-West Pacific 15 SL
Amphiprion latezonatus Wide-band Anemonefish Western Pacific 14 TL
Amphiprion mccullochi Whitesnout anemonefish Southwest Pacific 12 TL
Anampses caeruleopunctatus Bluespotted wrasse Indo-West Pacific 42 TL
Anampses elegans Elegant wrasse Southwest Pacific 29 TL
Anampses femininus Blue-striped orange tamarin Pacific Ocean 24 TL
Anampses geographicus Geographic wrasse Indo-West Pacific 31 TL
Anampses melanurus White-spotted wrasse Pacific Ocean 12 TL
Anampses meleagrides Spotted wrasse Indo-Pacific 22 TL
Anampses neoguinaicus New Guinea wrasse Western Pacific 20 SL
Anarchias allardicei Allardice's moray Indo-Pacific 17 TL
Anarchias cantonensis Canton Island moray Indo-West Pacific 21.9 TL
Anarchias seychellensis Seychelles moray Indo-Pacific 29 TL
Anarchias supremus Southwest Pacific 19.1 TL
Anguilla australis Short-finned eel Southwest Pacific 130 TL
Anguilla dieffenbachii New Zealand longfin eel Southwest Pacific 185 TL
Anguilla obscura Pacific shortfinned eel Pacific Ocean 110 TL
Anguilla reinhardtii Speckled longfin eel Asia and Oceania 165 TL
Anoplocapros inermis Eastern smooth boxfish Indo-West Pacific. 37 TL
Anoplogaster cornuta Common fangtooth Worldwide in tropical to 18 TL
Anotopterus vorax Southern ocean daggertooth Southern Ocean 105 SL
Antennarius commerson Commerson's frogfish Indo-Pacific and Eastern 45 TL
Antennarius hispidus Shaggy angler Indo-West Pacific 20 TL
Antennarius pictus Painted frogfish Indo-Pacific 30 TL
Antennarius randalli Randall's frogfish Pacific Ocean 8 SL
Antennarius striatus Striated frogfish Eastern Atlantic 25 TL
Antigonia capros Deepbody boarfish Worldwide in subtropical 30.5 TL
Antigonia malayana Malayan deepsea boarfish Indo-West Pacific 6.7 SL
Antigonia rhomboidea Rhomboid deepsea boarfish Eastern Indian Ocean and 11 TL
Antigonia rubescens Indo-Pacific boarfish Indo-West Pacific 15 SL
Antigonia rubicunda Rosy deepsea boarfish Western Pacific 10.6 SL
Antimora rostrata Blue antimora Circumglobal 75 SL
Antipodocottus elegans Dwarf sculpin Southwest Pacific
Antipodocottus galatheae Galathea sculpin Southwest Pacific.
Antipodocottus megalops Southwest Pacific
Aphanopus capricornis Western Pacific 77.8 SL
Aphanopus mikhailini Mikhailin's scabbardfish Southeast Atlantic 90 TL
Aphareus furca Small toothed jobfish Indo-Pacific 70 TL
Aphyonus gelatinosus Gelatinous blindfish Indo-West Pacific 15 SL
Aploactis aspera Dusky velvetfish Western Pacific 10 TL
Aploactisoma milesii Southern velvetfish Indo-Pacific 23 TL
Aplodactylus arctidens Marblefish Indo-Pacific 65 TL
Aplodactylus etheridgii Notchheaded marblefish Southwest Pacific 45 TL
Aplodactylus lophodon Rock cale Southwest Pacific 45 SL
Apogon caudicinctus Little tailband cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 12 SL
Apogon coccineus Ruby cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 6 TL
Apogon crassiceps Transparent cardinalfish Indo-Pacific. Replaced b 5 TL
Apogon semiornatus Oblique-banded cardinalfish Indo-West Pacific 7.5 TL
Apogon susanae Western Pacific 4.0 SL
Apogonichthyoides atripes Bulls-eye cardinalfish Southwest Pacific 9 TL
Apogonichthyoides chrysurus Golden cardinalfish Western Pacific 4 TL
Apogonichthyoides nigripinnis Bullseye Indo-West Pacific. Red S 10 TL
Apopterygion oculus Ocellate triplefin Southwest Pacific 6.3 SL
Aprion virescens Green jobfish Indo-Pacific 112 TL
Apristurus ampliceps Southwest Pacific 85.5 TL
Apristurus australis Indian and Pacific coasts 61.6 TL
Apristurus exsanguis Southwest Pacific 90.8 TL
Apristurus garricki Pacific Ocean 73.5
Apristurus longicephalus Longhead catshark Indo-West Pacific 60 TL
Apterichtus australis Snake eel Western Central Pacific 57 TL
Apterichtus flavicaudus Eastern Central Pacific 80 TL
Apterichtus malabar Southwest Pacific 41.4 TL
Aptychotrema rostrata Eastern shovelnose ray Western Pacific 120 TL
Aracana aurita Shaw's cowfish Eastern Indian Ocean 20 TL
Arctozenus risso Spotted barracudina Worldwide distribution fr 30 SL
Arenigobius bifrenatus Indo-West Pacific 9.1 SL
Arenigobius frenatus Halfbridled goby Western Pacific 11 TL
Argentina australiae Silverside Southwest Pacific 13 TL
Argentina elongata Southwest Pacific 37 FL
Argyripnus iridescens Brilliant pearlside Southwest Pacific. 14 TL
Argyropelecus aculeatus Lovely hatchetfish Eastern Atlantic 8.3 SL
Argyropelecus affinis Pacific hatchet fish Eastern Atlantic 8.4 SL
Argyropelecus gigas Hatchetfish Eastern Atlantic 12 SL
Argyropelecus hemigymnus Half-naked hatchetfish Eastern Atlantic 5.1 TL
Argyropelecus lychnus Tropical hatchetfish Western Pacific 7 TL
Argyropelecus olfersii Eastern Atlantic 9 TL
Argyropelecus sladeni Sladen's hatchet fish Atlantic, Indian and Paci 8.3 TL
Arhynchobatis asperrimus Longtail skate Southwest Pacific 75 TL
Ariomma lurida Ariommid Pacific Ocean 35 SL
Ariosoma kapala Mottled conger Southwest Pacific 54 SL
Ariosoma mauritianum Blunt-tooth conger Indo-West Pacific 30 TL
Ariosoma scheelei Tropical conger Indo-Pacific. 20 TL
Aristostomias polydactylus Eastern Atlantic 22 TL
Aristostomias scintillans Shiny loosejaw Eastern Pacific 23 TL
Arnoglossus bassensis Bass Strait flounder Indo-West Pacific 25 TL
Arnoglossus boops Southwest Pacific
Arnoglossus fisoni Fison's lefteye flounder Western Pacific 13 TL
Arnoglossus scapha Western Pacific 40 TL
Arnoglossus septemventralis Western Central Pacific
Arothron firmamentum Starry toado Western Pacific 35 SL
Arothron gillbanksii Southwest Pacific
Arothron hispidus White-spotted puffer Indo-Pacific 50 TL
Arothron meleagris Guineafowl puffer Indo-Pacific 50 TL
Arothron nigropunctatus Blackspotted puffer Indo-Pacific 33 TL
Arothron stellatus Stellate puffer Indo-Pacific 120 TL
Arrhamphus krefftii Snubhose garfish Southwest Pacific 28
Arripis trutta Australian salmon Southwest Pacific 89 TL
Arripis xylabion Northern kahawai Southwest Pacific 85 SL
Aseraggodes bahamondei South Pacific sole South Pacific 20 TL
Aseraggodes lenisquamis Southwestern Pacific 10.2 SL
Aseraggodes nigrocirratus Southwest Pacific 8.9 SL
Aseraggodes ramsaii Southwest Pacific 6.4 SL
Aspasmogaster costata Eastern clingfish Southwest Pacific 5 TL
Aspasmogaster liorhynchus Smooth-snout clingfish Indo-Pacific 4.5 TL
Aspidontus dussumieri Lance blenny Indo-Pacific 12 TL
Aspidontus taeniatus False cleanerfish Indo-Pacific. 11.5 TL
Asquamiceps hjorti Barethroat slickhead Eastern Atlantic. Indo-W 25.3 SL
Asquamiceps longmani Western Pacific.
Assessor randalli Western Pacific. 4 TL
Asterropteryx semipunctata Starry goby Indo-Pacific 6.5 TL
Astronesthes boulengeri Boulenger's snaggletooth Circumpolar between 30° 21.2 SL
Astronesthes cyaneus Indo-West Pacific 10.8 SL
Astronesthes indicus Black snaggletooth Eastern Atlantic 21 SL
Astronesthes kreffti Krefft's snaggletooth South Atlantic, Indian an 24.6 SL
Astronesthes lucifer Pacific astronesthid fish Indo-Pacific 12 SL
Astronesthes lupina Little wolf Southwest Pacific
Astronesthes psychrolutes Temperate snaggletooth Circumglobal in the south 28 TL
Astronesthes spatulifer South Pacific.
Astronesthes splendidus Splendid snaggletooth Indo-Pacific. 12 SL
Astronesthes tatyanae South Pacific. 11.2 SL
Astronesthes zetgibbsi South Pacific 10.3 SL
Asymbolus analis Grey spotted catshark Indo-West Pacific 90 TL
Asymbolus rubiginosus Eastern Indian Ocean 41.9 TL
Asymbolus submaculatus Variegated catshark Southwest Pacific 43.8 TL
Atherinason hepsetoides Smallscale hardyhead Eastern Indian Ocean 9 TL
Atherinomorus lacunosus Wide-banded hardyhead silverside Indo-Pacific 25 TL
Atherinomorus vaigiensis Ogilby's hardyhead Indo-West Pacific 17 TL
Atherinosoma microstoma Smallmouth hardyhead Southwest Pacific 10.7 SL
Atherion elymus Bearded silverside Western Pacific 6.4 TL
Atherion maccullochi McCulloch's hardyhead Southwest Pacific
Atractoscion aequidens Geelbeck croaker Western Indian Ocean 130 TL
Atractoscion atelodus Small lunate caudal fin croaker Southwestern Pacific 51.5 SL
Atypichthys latus Eastern footballer Southwest Pacific 30 SL
Atypichthys strigatus Australian mado Indo-West Pacific 25 TL
Auchenoceros punctatus Ahuru Southwest Pacific 13 TL
Aulacocephalus temminckii Goldribbon soapfish Indo-Pacific 40 TL
Aulostomus chinensis Chinese trumpetfish Indo-Pacific 80 TL
Aulotrachichthys novaezelandicus New Zealand roughy Southwest Pacific 11.4 SL
Austrolabrus maculatus Eastern Indian Ocean 12.6 SL
Auxis rochei Bullet tuna Atlantic, Indian and Paci 50 FL
Auxis thazard Frigate tuna Atlantic,Mediterranean, I 65 FL
Avocettina acuticeps Southern fintail snipe eel Southern region of all oc 77 TL
Avocettina infans Avocet snipe eel Circumglobal 80 TL
Avocettina paucipora Southwest Atlantic and so 55 TL
Azygopus flemingi Southwest Pacific 14.1 SL
Azygopus pinnifasciatus Banded-fin flounder Indo-West Pacific 20 TL
Bajacalifornia calcarata Brown slickhead Eastern Atlantic 38 SL
Bajacalifornia megalops Bigeye smooth-head Eastern Atlantic 40 SL
Balistoides conspicillum Clown triggerfish Indo-Pacific 50 TL
Balistoides viridescens Titan triggerfish Indo-Pacific 75 TL
Banjos banjos Banjofish Indo-West Pacific 20 SL
Barathronus diaphanus Indo-West Pacific 10.1 SL
Barathronus maculatus Spotted gelatinous cusk Indo-West Pacific 18 TL
Barathronus pacificus Atlantic and Pacific Ocea 12.8 SL
Barbourisia rufa Velvet whalefish Throughout the world ocea 39 TL
Barryichthys algicola Green rat clingfish Eastern Indian Ocean 2.1 SL
Bassanago bulbiceps Swollen-headed conger eel Southwest Pacific. 68.5 TL
Bassanago hirsutus Deepsea conger Southwest Pacific. 100 TL
Bassozetus robustus Robust assfish Circumglobal 64 SL
Bathophilus abarbatus Barbless dragonfish Southwest and Southeast P
Bathophilus ater Winged dragonfish South Atlantic 15 SL
Bathophilus brevis Eastern Atlantic 5.5 SL
Bathophilus filifer Sparing Southwest Pacific
Bathophilus longipinnis Eastern Atlantic 10.9 SL
Bathophilus pawneei Pawnee dragonfish Eastern Atlantic 12.2 SL
Bathophilus vaillanti Eastern Atlantic 18 SL
Bathygadus cottoides Codheaded rattail Southern Atlantic, Indian 24 TL
Bathygadus spongiceps Spongy rat tail Western Pacific 27 TL

Other identification tools in FishBase

Quick Identification
Identification keys
Identification by morphometrics
Identification by pictures:
          If you already know the Family, go to Search FishBase, select Family and click on 'Identification by pictures' to display all available pictures in FishBase for the family.

          If you already know the Country, go to
Search FishBase, select Country and click on 'Identification by pictures' to display all available pictures in FishBase for the country.

          If you already know the Ecosystem, go to
Search FishBase, select Ecosystem and click on 'Identification by pictures' to display all available pictures in FishBase for the ecosystem.
cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by mortiz, 28/05/2012