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References using Menidia menidia
Ref No. Description Page
000276  Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott,1980 A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (12)1-174. 34
003383  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,1990 Multilingual dictionary of fish and fish products. Fishing News Books, Oxford.
003586  Houde, E.D. and C.E. Zastrow,1993 Ecosystem- and taxon-specific dynamic and energetics properties of fish larvae assemblages. Bull. Mar. Sci. 53(2):290-335.
003814  Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott,1991 Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (20):183 p. 36
004071  Beck, A.D. and H.A. Poston,1980 Effects of diet on survival and growth of the Atlantic silverside. Prog. Fish-Cult. 42:138-143.
004926  Leim, A.H. and W.B. Scott,1966 Fishes of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. (155):485 p. 335
004931  FAO,1992 FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics: catches and landings. Vol. 70: 1990. FAO Fish. Ser. 38:647 p.
005951  Scott, W.B. and M.G. Scott,1988 Atlantic fishes of Canada. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 219:731 p. 316-8
005969  Kotlyar, A.N.,1984 Dictionary of names of marine fishes on the six languages. All Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow. 288 p. 70
006313  Grabda, E. and T. Heese,1991 Polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Wyzsza Szkola Inzynierska w Koszalinie. Koszalin, Poland. 171 p. (in Polish).
007159  Jessop, B.M.,1983 Aspects of the life history of the Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) of the Annapolis River, Nova Scotia. Freshwater and Anadromous Div., Fish. Res. Br., Dep. Fish. Oceans, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Can. Manus. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. No. 1694. 41 p.
007251  Robins, C.R. and G.C. Ray,1986 A field guide to Atlantic coast fishes of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, U.S.A. 354 p. 113
008984  FAO,1994 FAO Yearbook. Fishery statistics: catches and landings. Vol. 74: 1992. FAO Fish. Ser. 43:677 p.
010937  Anonymous,1996 Fish collection database of the University of British Columbia Fish Museum Fish Museum. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
012193  Hugg, D.O.,1996 MAPFISH georeferenced mapping database. Freshwater and estuarine fishes of North America. Life Science Software. Dennis O. and Steven Hugg, 1278 Turkey Point Road, Edgewater, Maryland, USA.
012204  Coad, B.W.,1995 Encyclopedia of Canadian fishes. Canadian Museum of Nature and Canadian Sportfishing Productions Inc. Singapore.
012254  Setler, E.M., W.R. Boynton, K.V. Wood, H.H. Zion, L. Lubbers, N.K. Mountford, P. Frere, L. Tucker and J.A. Mihursky,1980 Synopsis of biological data on striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum). NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS Circular 433, FAO Synopsis No. 121. 34
013614  Baensch, H.A. and R. Riehl,1997 Aquarien Atlas, Band 5. Mergus Verlag, Melle, Germany. 1148 p. 1002
013796  Rountree, R.A. and K.W. Able,1996 Seasonal abundance, growth, and foraging habits of juvenile smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis, in a New Jersey estuary. Fish. Bull. 94:522-534. 531
026282  Eschmeyer, W.N. (ed.),1998 Catalog of fishes. Special Publication, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 3 vols. 2905 p.
026388  Sanches, J.G.,1989 Nomenclatura Portuguesa de organismos aquáticos (proposta para normalização estatística). Publ. Avuls. Inst. Nac. Invest. Pescas 14:322 p. 91
026938  Smith, C.L.,1997 National Audubon Society field guide to tropical marine fishes of the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, the Bahamas, and Bermuda. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York. 720 p. 384
026980  Hartman, K.J. and S.B. Brandt,1995 Trophic resource partitioning, diets, and growth of sympatric estuarine predators. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 124(4):520-537. 522
027549  Murdy, E.O., R.S. Birdsong and J.A. Musick,1997 Fishes of Chesapeake Bay. Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London. 324 p. 131
030184  Arkhipchuk, V.V.,1999 Chromosome database. Database of Dr. Victor Arkhipchuk.
030503  Rass, T.S.,1983 Fish. Vol. 4, Life of animals. V.E. Sokolov (ed.), Moscow: Prosveschenie. 575p.
030599  Adams, S.M.,1976 Feeding ecology of eelgrass fish communities. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 105(4):514-519. 516
031517  Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.),1999 Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p.
031982  Anonymous,1999 Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)).
034370  Klinkhardt, M, M. Tesche and H. Greven,1995 Database of fish chromosomes. Westarp Wissenschaften. 118
035184  Warkentine, B.E., C.L. Smith and J.W. Rachlin,1987 A reevaluation of the karyotype of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia. Copeia 1987(1):222-224.
035508  Anonymous,2000 The icthyological collection of the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH). Division of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH).
035884  Buckel, J.A., M.J. Fogarty and D.O. Conover,1999 Foraging habits of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix, on the U.S. east coast continental shelf. Fish. Bull. 97:758-775. 762
036380  Dyer, B.S.,2003 Atherinidae (Silversides). p. 513-514. In R.E. Reis, S.O. Kullander and C.J. Ferraris, Jr. (eds.) Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of South and Central America. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, Brasil.
036670  Anonymous,2000 Fish collection database of the J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa.
038102  Moring, J.R.,1990 Seasonal absence of fishes in tidepools of a boreal environment (Maine, USA). Hydrobiologia 194(2):163-168. 165
038732  Anonymous,2001 Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes.
039018  Kuntz, A. and L. Radcliffe,1917 Notes on the embryology and larval development of twelve teleostean fishes. U.S. Bur. Fish., Bull. 35:87-134. 127-130
039467  Scotton, L.N., R.E. Smith, N.S. Smith, K.S. Price and D.P. de Sylva,1973 Pictorial guide to fish larvae of Delaware Bay: with information and bibliographies useful for the study of fish larvae. Delaware Bay Report Series. Vol. 7. College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware. 205 p. 52-55
040919  Anonymous,2001 Fish collection database of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen.
041414  Anonymous,2002 Fish collection database of the American Museum of Natural History. American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West , NY 10024-5192, USA.
043413  White, B.N., R.J. Lavenberg and G.E. McGowen,1984 Atheriniformes: development and relationships. p. 355-362. In American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Ontogeny and systematics of fishes, based on an international symposium dedicated to the memory of E.H. Ahlstrom, 15-18 August 1983, La Jolla, California. Spec. Publ. Am. Soc. Ichthyol. Herpetol. (1):1-760. 356
044481  Tupper, M. and K.W. Able,2000 Movements and food habits of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in Delaware Bay (USA) salt marshes: comparison of a restored and a reference marsh. Mar. Biol. 137(5-6):1049-1058. 1055
047438  Anonymous,2003 Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Royal Ontario Museum.
050872  Chernoff, B.,2003 Atherinopsidae. New World silversides. p. 1090-1103. In K.E. Carpenter (ed.) FAO species identification guide for fishery purposes. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Vol. 2: Bony fishes part 1 (Acipenseridae to Grammatidae).
051243  Riede, K.,2004 Global register of migratory species - from global to regional scales. Final Report of the R&D-Projekt 808 05 081. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn, Germany. 329 p.
051471  Carl, H.,2003 Danish fish names. Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Unpublished.
052299  Nelson, J.S., E.J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R.N. Lea and J.D. Williams,2004 Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 29, Bethesda, Maryland. ix, 386 p. + 1 CD. 99
058108  Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,2003 Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database.
058356  Able, K.W., K.J. Amith and S.M. Hagan,2005 Fish composition and abundance in New Jersey salt marsh ponds: Sampling technique effects. Northeastern Naturalist. 12(4):485-502. 491
074432  Conover, P.,1985 Field and laboratory assessment of patterns in fecundity of a multiple spawning fish: The Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia . Fish. Bull. 83(3):331-34. 331-334
075549  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008.
083882  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010.
085409  Sargent, P.S., D.A. Methven, R.G. Hooper and C.H. McKenzie,2008 A range extension of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia, to coastal waters of southwestern Newfoundland. Canadian Field-Naturalist 122(4): 338-344. 338
086779  Collette, B.B. and G. Klein-MacPhee (eds.),2002 Bigelow and Schroeder’s fishes of the Gulf of Maine, third ed. Caldwell, N.J. : Blackburn Press, 577 p.: ill.; 27 cm. 282
090062  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012.
093252  Murdy, E.O. and J.A. Musick,2013 Field guide to fishes of the Chesapeake Bay. JHU Press, 360 p. 124-125;Drawing
095632  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014.
101110  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015].
107945  Cheung, W.L., R. Watson and D. Pauly,2013 Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Nature 497:365-368.
115257  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017).
116654  Saks, L.,2017 Estonian Common Names, Rank 2. Personal communication
118272  FAO-FIES,2022 Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018]
124031  Sagarese, S.R., R.M. Cerrato and M.G. Frisk,2011 Diet composition and feeding habits of common fishes in Long Island Bays, New York. Northeast. Nat. 18(3):291-314. Tab.3
128520  Marčeta, B. and K. Pliberšek (eds),2023 BiosWeb. Biological database of the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia. Ljubljana, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, 2014. ( updated 13/04/2023).
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