Biblio Entry Summary for Potamotrygon marquesi
引用 Silva, J.P.C.B. and T.S. Loboda, 2019, Potamotrygon marquesi, a new species of neotropical freshwater stingray (Potamotrygonidae) from the Brazilian Amazon Basin.. J. Fish Biol. 95(2): 594-612. First published online, pp. 1-19, 18 June 2019. Volume, issue and pages added Aug. 2019.]
参照 128066 Silva, J.P.C.B. and T.S. Loboda, 2019
ページ 2;fig.1-16,18a
Named Used as Valid Potamotrygon marquesi
現場 Brazil, Acre State, Tarauacá County, Tarauacá River, MZUSP 117790.
分布 South America: Brazil (Amazon Basin).