Species in the Tennessee River

     n= 128 (Incomplete)
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Species Name Family Habitat Length (cm) Trophic Level Status
Acipenser fulvescens Lake sturgeon Acipenseridae demersal 274.0 TL 3.3 native
Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife Alosidae pelagic-neritic 40.0 SL 3.4 native
Ambloplites rupestris Rock bass Centrarchidae benthopelagic 43.0 TL 3.4 native
Amia calva Bowfin Amiidae demersal 109.0 TL 3.8 native
Anguilla rostrata American eel Anguillidae demersal 152.0 TL 3.8 native
Campostoma oligolepis Largescale stoneroller Leuciscidae benthopelagic 22.0 TL 2.0 native
Campostoma pauciradii Bluefin stoneroller Leuciscidae benthopelagic 16.0 TL 2.1 native
Carassius auratus Goldfish Cyprinidae benthopelagic 48.0 TL 2.8 introduced
Carpiodes carpio River carpsucker Catostomidae demersal 64.0 TL 2.0 native
Carpiodes velifer Highfin carpsucker Catostomidae demersal 50.0 TL 2.3 endemic
Chrosomus erythrogaster Southern redbelly dace Leuciscidae demersal 9.1 TL 2.5 native
Chrosomus saylori Laurel dace Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.4 TL 2.5 native
Chrosomus tennesseensis Tennessee dace Leuciscidae demersal 7.2 TL 2.5 native
Cottus baileyi Black sculpin Cottidae demersal 8.4 TL 3.2 native
Cottus bairdii Mottled sculpin Cottidae demersal 15.0 TL 3.3 native
Cottus carolinae Banded sculpin Cottidae demersal 18.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Cyprinella camura Bluntface shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 15.0 TL 3.2 native
Cyprinella galactura Whitetail shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 15.0 TL 3.2 native
Cyprinella monacha Spotfin chub Leuciscidae benthopelagic 11.0 TL 3.2 native
Cyprinella spiloptera Spotfin shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 12.0 TL 2.8 native
Cyprinella venusta Blacktail shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 19.0 TL 3.2 native
Elassoma alabamae Spring pygmy sunfish Elassomatidae benthopelagic 3.4 native
Elassoma zonatum Banded pygmy sunfish Elassomatidae demersal 4.7 TL 3.7 endemic
Erimystax cahni Slender chub Leuciscidae demersal 9.4 TL 2.9 native
Erimystax insignis Blotched chub Leuciscidae demersal 10.0 TL 2.9 native
Esox americanus Redfin pickerel Esocidae demersal 39.4 FL 3.7 native
Esox masquinongy Muskellunge Esocidae demersal 183.0 TL 4.5 native
Etheostoma blennius Blenny darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.3 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma boschungi Slackwater darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.8 TL 3.3 native
Etheostoma camurum Bluebreast darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.4 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma chlorobranchium Greenfin darter Percidae benthopelagic 10.0 TL 3.4 endemic
Etheostoma cinereum Ashy darter Percidae benthopelagic 12.0 TL 3.4 native
Etheostoma cyanoprosopum Blueface darter Percidae benthopelagic 4.9 SL 3.2 native
Etheostoma denoncourti Golden darter Percidae benthopelagic 2.9 SL 3.1 native
Etheostoma duryi Subnose darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.2 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma flavum Saffron darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma histrio Harlequin darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.7 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma jessiae Blueside darter Percidae benthopelagic 6.8 TL 3.3 native
Etheostoma kennicotti Stripetail darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.3 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma luteovinctum Redband darter Percidae benthopelagic 6.8 TL 3.3 native
Etheostoma maydeni Redlips Darter Percidae demersal 8.0 SL 3.3 native
Etheostoma nigripinne Blackfin darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.8 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma nigrum Johnny darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.2 TL 3.2 native
Etheostoma parvipinne Goldstripe darter Percidae benthopelagic 6.7 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma proeliare Cypress darter Percidae benthopelagic 4.8 TL 3.2 endemic
Etheostoma rufilineatum Redline darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.4 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma simoterum Snubnose darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.7 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma smithi Slabrock darter Percidae benthopelagic 6.2 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma swannanoa Swannanoa darter Percidae benthopelagic 9.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma tippecanoe Tippecanoe darter Percidae benthopelagic 4.3 TL 3.2 native
Etheostoma tuscumbia Tuscumbia darter Percidae benthopelagic 6.1 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma vulneratum Wounded darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Etheostoma wapiti Boulder darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.5 TL 3.3 native
Etheostoma zonistium Bandfin darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.1 TL 3.3 native
Forbesichthys agassizii Spring cavefish Amblyopsidae demersal 9.0 TL 3.3 native
Fundulus catenatus Northern studfish Fundulidae benthopelagic 20.0 TL 3.4 endemic
Fundulus julisia Barrens topminnow Fundulidae benthopelagic 7.0 TL 3.2 native
Fundulus stellifer Southern studfish Fundulidae benthopelagic 18.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Hemitremia flammea Flame chub Leuciscidae demersal 7.8 TL 3.2 native
Hybognathus hayi Cypress minnow Leuciscidae demersal 12.0 TL 2.1 native
Hybopsis amblops Bigeye chub Leuciscidae benthopelagic 10.0 TL 2.9 native
Ichthyomyzon bdellium Ohio lamprey Petromyzontidae demersal 30.5 TL 4.4 native
Ichthyomyzon castaneus Chestnut lamprey Petromyzontidae demersal 38.0 TL 4.5 native
Ichthyomyzon gagei Southern brook lamprey Petromyzontidae demersal 17.0 TL 4.1 native
Ichthyomyzon greeleyi Mountain brook lamprey Petromyzontidae demersal 20.0 TL 4.2 native
Ichthyomyzon unicuspis Silver lamprey Petromyzontidae demersal 39.2 TL 4.5 native
Ictalurus furcatus Blue catfish Ictaluridae demersal 165.0 TL 3.4 native
Ictiobus cyprinellus Bigmouth buffalo Catostomidae benthopelagic 123.0 TL 3.1 native
Lepisosteus platostomus Shortnose gar Lepisosteidae demersal 88.0 TL 3.9 native
Lepomis auritus Redbreast sunfish Centrarchidae demersal 30.5 TL 3.4 native
Lepomis humilis Orangespotted sunfish Centrarchidae benthopelagic 17.5 TL 3.6 endemic
Lethenteron appendix American brook lamprey Petromyzontidae demersal 35.0 TL 3.1 native
Luxilus chrysocephalus Striped shiner Leuciscidae demersal 24.0 TL 3.3 native
Luxilus coccogenis Warpaint shiner Leuciscidae pelagic 14.0 TL 3.0 native
Lythrurus ardens Rosefin shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 9.0 TL 3.3 native
Lythrurus bellus Pretty shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.5 TL 3.2 native
Lythrurus fasciolaris Scarlet shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 8.6 TL 3.2 native
Lythrurus lirus Mountain shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.5 TL 3.2 native
Macrhybopsis aestivalis Speckled chub Leuciscidae demersal 12.7 TL 3.2 native
Macrhybopsis storeriana Silver chub Leuciscidae demersal 23.0 TL 3.6 native
Minytrema melanops Spotted sucker Catostomidae demersal 50.0 TL 3.4 native
Nocomis effusus Redtail chub Leuciscidae demersal 23.0 TL 3.1 native
Nocomis leptocephalus Bluehead chub Leuciscidae demersal 26.0 TL 3.1 native
Nocomis micropogon River chub Leuciscidae demersal 33.0 TL 3.2 native
Nothonotus aquali Coppercheek darter Percidae benthopelagic 8.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Notropis albizonatus Palezone shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 5.6 SL 2.9 native
Notropis ammophilus Orangefin shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 6.0 TL 2.9 native
Notropis ariommus Popeye shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 9.5 TL 2.8 native
Notropis boops Bigeye shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 9.0 TL 3.2 native
Notropis buchanani Ghost shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 6.4 TL 2.9 native
Notropis chrosomus Rainbow shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 8.1 TL 2.8 native
Notropis leuciodus Tennessee shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 8.2 TL 2.8 native
Notropis lutipinnis Yellowfin shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.5 TL 2.9 native
Notropis micropteryx Highland shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 2.9 native
Notropis photogenis Silver shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 14.0 TL 3.3 native
Notropis rubellus Rosyface shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 11.0 TL 3.1 native
Notropis rubricroceus Saffron shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 8.4 TL 2.8 native
Notropis spectrunculus Mirror shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.9 TL 2.9 native
Notropis telescopus Telescope shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 11.5 TL 2.8 native
Notropis volucellus Mimic shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.6 TL 3.0 native
Notropis wickliffi Channel shiner Leuciscidae benthopelagic 7.8 TL 2.9 native
Noturus baileyi Smoky madtom Ictaluridae demersal 7.3 TL 3.2 native
Noturus elegans Elegant madtom Ictaluridae benthopelagic 7.4 TL 3.2 native
Noturus eleutherus Mountain madtom Ictaluridae demersal 13.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Noturus exilis Slender madtom Ictaluridae demersal 15.0 TL 3.4 endemic
Noturus flavipinnis Yellowfin madtom Ictaluridae demersal 15.0 TL 3.4 endemic
Noturus insignis Margined madtom Ictaluridae demersal 15.0 TL 3.3 native
Noturus miurus Brindled madtom Ictaluridae demersal 13.0 TL 3.5 native
Noturus phaeus Brown madtom Ictaluridae demersal 15.0 TL 3.4 endemic
Noturus stanauli Pygmy madtom Ictaluridae demersal 4.2 TL 3.1 endemic
Oreochromis mossambicus Mozambique tilapia Cichlidae benthopelagic 39.0 SL 2.2 introduced
Percina aurantiaca Tangerine darter Percidae benthopelagic 18.0 TL 3.5 endemic
Percina burtoni Blotchside darter Percidae benthopelagic 16.0 TL 3.5 native
Percina evides Gilt darter Percidae benthopelagic 9.6 TL 3.4 endemic
Percina phoxocephala Slenderhead darter Percidae benthopelagic 9.6 TL 3.4 endemic
Percina squamata Olive darter Percidae benthopelagic 13.0 TL 3.4 endemic
Percina tanasi Snail darter Percidae benthopelagic 9.0 TL 3.3 endemic
Percina vigil Saddleback darter Percidae benthopelagic 7.8 TL 3.3 endemic
Percina williamsi Sickle darter Percidae benthopelagic 9.1 SL 3.4 native
Phenacobius crassilabrum Fatlips minnow Leuciscidae demersal 11.2 TL 2.9 native
Phenacobius mirabilis Suckermouth minnow Leuciscidae demersal 12.0 TL 2.9 native
Phenacobius uranops Stargazing minnow Leuciscidae demersal 12.0 TL 2.9 native
Polyodon spathula Mississippi paddlefish Polyodontidae demersal 221.0 TL 3.4 native
Rhinichthys atratulus Blacknose dace Leuciscidae demersal 12.4 TL 3.0 native
Rhinichthys cataractae Longnose dace Leuciscidae demersal 22.5 TL 3.2 native
Rhinichthys obtusus Western blacknose dace Leuciscidae pelagic 8.0 NG 3.1 native
Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Alabama cavefish Amblyopsidae demersal 7.2 TL 3.3 native
Typhlichthys subterraneus Southern cavefish Amblyopsidae demersal 9.0 TL 3.3 native
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