Identification keys available for Family Bagridae

Key Title
21 Key to the species of Claroteinae and Austroglanidinae in southern Africa.
482 Key to the Indochinese species of Batasio.
659 Key to genera of bagrid catfishes (Bagridae) from China.
660 Key to species of Pelteobagrus occuring in China.
661 Key to species of Leiocassis occuring in China.
662 Key to species of Pseudobagrus occuring in China.
663 Key to species of Mystus occuring in China.
1150 Artificial key to the species of Hyalobagrus.
1180 Key to boldly striped Mystus of Thailand.
1408 Key to species of Bagrus of West Africa.
1410 Key to genera of Claroteidae of West Africa.
1411 Key to subgenera of Chrysichthys of West Africa.
1412 Key to species of Chrysichthys (Chrysichthys) of West Africa.
1413 Key to species of Chrysichthys (Melanodactylus) of West Africa.
1414 Key to species of Auchenoglanis of West Africa.
1415 Key to species of Parauchenoglanis of West Africa.
1416 Key to species of Notoglanidium of West Africa.
cfm script by eagbayani, 10.5.01 ,  php script by kbanasihan 05/31/2010 ,  last modified by kbanasihan, 05/31/2010